"They might be an N if their behaviors demonstrate the following attitude: 'If you don't do what I want, I will f%^! you up!' and then the suspected N proceeds to do so, flipping the blame on you because you DARED to say 'NO' to their demands."
What do you think?
That's pretty much the way I experienced it.
Thanks, Lighter!
And to add, when the N proceeds to "F%$k you up", it can be passive-aggressive, aggressive, mentally, physically, verbally, emotionally, psychologically, sexually, spiritually, a combination of all of the above, plus other means that I haven't thought of yet. An example of "passive-aggressive" would be for the N to hone in on something you value, such as being punctual, something you recently achieved/obtained or needing to be somewhere by a specific time, and the N deliberately TRASHES whatever that is; then the N acts the "TOTAL INNOCENT" and flips it back on you!