Hi Bones! I'm up too, this morning.
Well... I think maybe Abby does understand and she also gets that there is absolutely nothing to be done about the old bag... her advice "to try a little harder... so the D doesn't have any regrets later"???? ... could've been said a bit differently. I mean, the D did "feel guilty" about not visiting the bioNic witch in the nursing home... so if she did start visiting once in a while... maybe she'd feel less guilty??? That's a normal response from someone who hasn't sruvived a parent like this, you know?
We know it's a Big Maybe - because with a mom like that, she's probably gonna feel guilty no matter WHAT she does. The first part of the description sounds a lot like how my mom is, at my brother's home. She can be violent, too... but only when some switch in her head flips - out! There's no rhyme or reason for it, in other words.