I read the following in "Dear Prudence" today. Bride-zilla sounds like an N!!! What do you think?
"Dear Prudence,
My wife and I have recently learned that we are going to have our first child. The pregnancy was unexpected. Nonetheless, this is wonderful news, except for one thing: The due date falls on the same day as my sister's wedding, which will be held eight hours from where we live. My sister loves being the center of attention, and we worry that she will think we are trying to steal the spotlight on her special day. We are almost certain that she will throw a fit when we tell her that we cannot attend her wedding, because she has a history of throwing temper tantrums over perceived slights. We feel terrible about the situation, but there's nothing we can do about it. Any tips on how to break the news so I'm not writing to you again in a year about my estrangement from my sister?
—Unexpectedly Expecting
Dear Unexpectedly,
If you have a sister who would have a hissy fit over the fact that the arrival of a niece or nephew is stealing the spotlight from "her day," I'm curious as to how she convinced some poor sap to marry her. First of all, stop feeling "terrible" that you're about to become parents. You didn't owe your sister a vow of abstinence during her "wedding season." And if you and your wife were to show up at the wedding, just think how your sister would react if your wife's water broke and made your sister slide down the aisle. The good news is your wife is pregnant; there's no bad news. Yes, it's unfortunate you will miss the wedding, but a simultaneous marriage and birth just means your family is in for an abundance of good fortune. There's nothing to say to your sister except that while you're so excited to become parents, you're sorry it means your wife will be in labor during the ceremony. But when your sister gets back from the honeymoon, you'll be able to introduce her to her niece or nephew. If you sister says one tantrumlike thing in response, then you say, "Sue, I'm going to pretend you never said that, and I'm going to hang up so you don't say anything else I'll regret hearing."