Aww, hon.
I'm so sorry she was so ill. She really was sick with meanness, cruelty, and had no sense of how much words could hurt a child. I guess somebody taught her that you could just drill cruel remarks into a kid like invisible bullets.
You should be so proud that you've pulled out those bullets one at a time and thrown them away. It still aches sometimes, I am sure.
Yesterday morning I woke up and got sad, cried. I tried some prayer and that helped a little. Then a funny thing...I started rubbing myself really lovingly on my upper arm, a little like a self-hug, and talking to myself as though I was a loving gentle Mother, treating myself like "somebody" -- with great kindness.. Saying to myself out loud while stroking my arm, "You're okay, honey. You're all right." Saying it in real sincerity, in a really loving way.
Giving myself, directly, the affection and kindness my mother couldn't.
At first it made me cry more but in just a little while, I found my heart eased up so much. And my whole day went better.
Have you tried doing that with my friend Bones?
I would love to hear you being so loving to the little girl in you.