If I understand the HOA Board correctly, they are going to send a notice to everyone in my building regarding the situation that had been previously discussed. So far, things have been quiet with Neighbor #2 regarding her "plans" for the building.
Well, the other shoe dropped for Neighbor #2! She approached me, today, asking for the cash to reimburse her for the contractor she wants to hire. I explained that she cannot do that as property management already has this work on their "To-Do" list, which is what we are paying them for with our condo fees.
Her response? "But I've already collected cash from the other neighbors!"
Me: "Give it back! You can't hire a private contractor to do the work that we are already paying property management to do!"
Her response: "But we did it before!"
Me: "That was when we had a different property management who didn't give a damn except take our money and do nothing! Things have changed! The company we have now is handling the maintenance of the common areas, which is what our condo fees are paying for!"
Her response: "Well, since you're the Building Captain, you should have kept ME informed about what property management is doing!"
Me: Have you been reading the e-mail blasts that property management has been sending to ALL the residents about what they are doing, etc.?
Her response: "I don't go on e-mail that much! As Building Captain, YOU should be informing ME!"
Her response: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can be co-captain to help you!"
Me: There's already a co-captain! That position is filled! It's been posted on the bulletin board in our building for MONTHS!
Her response: "Huh?!?!?!?!? When did that happen?"
By this point, I'm walking away in disgust! It appears she can't be bothered to read ANYTHING nor can she be bothered to attend HOA meetings so she'll be on the same page as everyone else! SHEESH!!!!!