Spotted this in "Dear Margo" this morning, (July 16, 2011).
What's your reaction to it? (I don't think Margo HAS A CLUE!!! I KNOW WE DO!!!!!!!)
"Sex, Lies, Politics ... and Kids"
"Dear Margo: I am divorcing my husband of several years, and we have young children.
A few years ago, he set up an account on a singles website and watched excessive pornography. This prompted us to go to counseling. He downplayed it, saying it was my fault. The counselor's conclusion was that my husband is a clinically defined narcissist whose needs will always come first. He is also an elected politician, so he revels in his (and my) kids being seen in public for image purposes. He started a romance with a co-worker, so I filed for divorce. What I need to know is whether a narcissist can still be a decent father. My kids' best interests need to come first. Any resources you might suggest for dealing with narcissists? — Divorcing the Narcissist
Dear Div: Why am I not surprised he's a politician? Many politicians are narcissists, or they wouldn't be politicians. As for fathering, I actually know some narcissists who are quite good fathers. Sometimes that is because the children reflect on them, but they can be good dads nonetheless. The "treatment" for this hyper-self-involvement is therapy, although, to be realistic, these people are most often impervious to treatment — in that they usually don't want it. (For this disturbance, there are no drugs, and some people so afflicted do not even see it as a problem.)
Should dealing with their dad prove hard on the kids — which may not happen — counseling would be useful; kind of a private Al-Anon for children who live with egocentrism. But kids have a way of doing OK despite the flaws of their parents. It is interesting that sex often goes with this disorder. Just recently in politics, we've witnessed it with Edwards, Ensign, Weiner, Sanford, Spitzer, Foley and Livingston. Classics, of course, are JFK, Clinton and Gingrich. — Margo, self-centeredly "