Author Topic: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?  (Read 1304952 times)


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2670 on: September 02, 2011, 07:19:06 AM »
Man, that happened to me as Irene started rolling through (tornado & unknowns anxiety). It SUCKS. Are you able to take a nap? I usually can't sleep during the day... no matter how tired I am.

There's too much noise around, during the day, to allow me to nap.  Not sure what to do at this point.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2671 on: September 03, 2011, 07:00:45 AM »
Just checking in.  Sleep isn't much better.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2672 on: September 04, 2011, 06:28:26 AM »
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2673 on: September 04, 2011, 05:16:15 PM »
Hope you get some deep rest tonight, Bones...

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2674 on: September 05, 2011, 07:13:29 AM »
Hope you get some deep rest tonight, Bones...


Thanks, Hops.

Had an interesting experience yesterday.

A group of friends, and I, went out to dinner and to also work on some creative writing.  We had been planning this for several days and had agreed to meet at the restaurant at 4:00 PM.  Five of us showed up, on time, hungry and ready to eat.  One of the five got a phone call, on her cell phone, from the brother of the N, informing us that the N was STILL IN BED and wanted us to WAIT for the N's arrival before going in and getting seated.  (The N has a history of this.)  We informed the N's brother that we're here, on time, we're going into the restaurant and we'll see him and his Nbrother whenever they arrive....end of conversation.

Needless to say, the N and his brother arrived in the MIDDLE of dinner and, of course, the N was PEEVED that we DARED to REFUSE TO WAIT FOR HIM!  We ignored his comments and continued to eat along with the conversations we were having before he walked in.  Throughout the evening's activity of creative writing, the N kept trying to change the topic to HIMSELF, HIMSELF, HIMSELF, and HIMSELF.  Only one other guy would respond to him.  The rest of us simply ignored the N and focused on the task at hand.

There's more to this N's issues that I'll discuss at another time.  I need to start getting ready to head out for some planned Labor Day activities with others.  (Trying to stay out of trouble!   :))

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2675 on: September 05, 2011, 07:22:34 AM »
The rest of us simply ignored the N and focused on the task at hand.

Keep doing this, Bones... and LOL!!! I'll bet you a buck, this guy moves on to another group... with tales of how nasty & unfair you were to him, of course.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2676 on: September 05, 2011, 03:16:56 PM »
The rest of us simply ignored the N and focused on the task at hand.

Keep doing this, Bones... and LOL!!! I'll bet you a buck, this guy moves on to another group... with tales of how nasty & unfair you were to him, of course.

We wish!  We feel sorry for his brother because he's related to this N!  URGH!!!!

A bit of good news related to the Labor Day activities today......I was with a group of CERT members marching in the Labor Day Parade and our group won First Runner Up and CERT was awarded $100!!!!  Not bad for the first time this group has done this!   :D
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2677 on: September 06, 2011, 07:32:43 AM »
To continue regarding the N and the brother we feel sorry for.......the brother is busy, trying to have a life of his own, and the N has attempted to lay numerous guilt trips on him because he's not readily available to take care of HIM!  The N even demanded that the brother pay for his cable TV!  The response he got was simple:  "You want cable TV?  Get a job and pay for it yourself!"  Of course, the N did NOT like that answer!

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2678 on: September 07, 2011, 06:45:05 AM »
Temporarily Able-Bodied People can be so DAMN stupid and insensitive!  I say YAY for this runner for putting the idiot in his place!

Angry Pistorius cuts short interview

Double-amputee runner Oscar Pistorius cut short a BBC radio interview Tuesday after he was asked whether he could be viewed as an "inconvenient embarrassment" to track and field officials for competing in able-bodied competitions.

The South African 400-meter specialist took part in the world championships in Daegu, South Korea, and hopes to run in next year's London Olympics.

Pistorius was asked on BBC's "Today" program whether he might be considered an "inconvenient embarrassment to South African authorities and the IAAF because, effectively, you're taking them into uncharted ethical waters."

"I think that's an insult to me and I think this interview is over," Pistorius responded.

The interviewer said the question was not intended as an "insult" but Pistorius replied: "That is an insult. Thank you very much."
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2679 on: September 07, 2011, 07:15:12 AM »
Spotted this last letter in Annie's Mailbox this morning!  I've encountered ding-bats like this who are as bat-shit crazy as this Momster-in-Law!   Sheesh!!!!!!

Dear Annie: This is the other side of "Numb in Nevada," whose daughter-in-law cut them off from seeing the grandchild.

My husband and his mother were very close. To honor that bond, I allowed her into the delivery room for the birth of our son. She repaid me for that kindness by taking photos without permission, and now there are digital pictures of me in labor floating around the Internet.

When I came home from the hospital, she proceeded to criticize my housekeeping, insisted that my older children stay with a relative for another week and, despite the fact that I was breastfeeding, repeatedly tried to bottle feed the baby. I agreed to a baptism to make her happy, and she got into a fight with my mother and told her to leave.

Since she lived six hours away, we allowed my mother-in-law to stay with us frequently. I ignored her criticisms of my appearance, my children's clothes, their behavior and my views on childrearing. I continued to be polite and respectful. I had to take antianxiety medication to make it through those weekends.

Now, I'm divorced, and the most enduring benefit is that I never, ever have to deal with her again. — It's Not Always the Daughter-in-Law's Fault

Dear Not Always: You sound like you made every effort to be kind and respectful toward a real barracuda. We salute you.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2680 on: September 07, 2011, 07:27:28 AM »
Amy Alkon, another advice columnist, is weighing in on Narcissism:
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2681 on: September 07, 2011, 12:43:02 PM »
Chilling but good one, Bones.


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2682 on: September 07, 2011, 06:42:04 PM »
Chilling but good one, Bones.



Thanks, Hops!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2683 on: September 08, 2011, 07:39:03 AM »
Why can't some people respect the word "NO"?

Within the past 24 to 48 hours, I have been receiving e-mails from a neighbor asking me if I could do thus-and-such, TONIGHT, (Thursday, September 8th).  The first time I got the request, I told him, "No, I have a meeting that I'm already committed to."  The e-mails have evolved into thinly-veiled guilt trips to which I have repeated, "No, I CANNOT do what you want as I am already booked.  There are important issues that are being discussed at my meeting and I HAVE TO BE THERE!"  He doesn't seem to get it that waiting until the last minute to spring stuff on people doesn't always work.  He may have succeeded with others and now it appears he is befuddled because I won't fall in line, like the others, and do what he wants.   :roll:
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2684 on: September 08, 2011, 11:49:35 AM »
Just got a different e-mail from an N-Supply of an N asking me about "important papers" that were supposedly left with me OVER THIRTY YEARS AGO!  WTF?!?!?  I know my response back to the N-Supply was very snippy, if not bitchy, because after 30+years of the N's bullsh*t, I WAS DONE!

The N left her crap behind since April 30, 1980!  In 1999, I gave the N TWO MONTHS notice that I was moving and to make arrangements to get her stuff!  She chose, instead, to attempt to RAM orders down my throat to forfeit my condominium deposit and cancel my move!  She didn't bother to respond when I told her that I was NOT cancelling my move.  I've been living in my condo since 1999 and NOW she claims she left important papers with me?!?!?!?  WTF?!?!?!?  Not my problem, HER PROBLEM!!!!!

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