I think Mr. Useless Doufous finally got pissed off because I kept telling him that he needs to take responsibility for his own messes and that I am NOT his mother, housekeeper, nor maid. This argument has been going back and forth since March 2001! That's right, nearly ELEVEN YEARS, when he first brought in his FILTHY birdcages that were infested with cockroaches! I've been fighting his cockroaches ever since even though I have asthma.
For awhile, he would bring me his version of insecticide that was supposed to be safe around the birds. Common sense should have told him that when it is sprayed on cockroaches, eventually the bottle will need to be replaced with a FULL one. He would always wait until I was completely out, ignoring requests and reminders, and give me the excuse that he would "get round to it later".
This past week, after reminding AGAIN that I'm completely OUT of his version of insecticide and that the roaches are WORSE, once again I got the usual "I'll get round to it later" routine. I told him that since he won't do what he is responsible to do, then I will do what I HAVE TO DO to fight the cockroaches! He ignored me so I got a can of HotShot and started spraying in the hallways and in my home office. (I told him that I was going to do this if he didn't do anything.)
This morning, when I got up, I discovered that he had showed up, overnight, took his last bird cage and left garbage and cockroach mess behind. DAMN CREEP!!!!