Yesterday, I went downtown to do some research and wound up witnessing a tantrum being thrown by an N because the staff DARED to say NO to HER demands!

This repository is the same as any other library where people expect to conduct research in peace and quiet. This place also REQUIRES that every researcher has her/his researcher card ON THEIR PERSON. (Just like you are REQUIRED to have a library card BEFORE you walk out of a library with a borrowed book, DVD, etc.)
This one iN-DUHvidual walks in and DEMANDS TOTAL access to EVERYTHING even though she did NOT have a researcher card. The staff explained the rules to her, SEVERAL times only to have this N react by getting LOUDER and LOUDER with HER demands for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION and YELLING: "WHY CAN'T YOU SIMPLY LOOK UP MY NUMBER THAT I'M (condescendingly) GIVING YOU?!?!? (As if the repository staff are supposed to be HER servants!

) The staff patiently explained that these are the rules and there are no exceptions. She yells back: "THERE IS TOO MUCH SECURITY IN HERE!!!!" (WTF?!?!?!?

) The staff, again, repeated the rules and that there are no exceptions to the security procedures. The N's response to that last statement was to wander around the room until the staff explained that without a researcher card, she CANNOT stay in the research area! The N screams LOUDLY: "ALL RIGHT!!! ALL RIGHT!!!! I AM LEAVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (But proceeded to passively-aggressively continue to wander around as if she was DARING the staff to call security!)
By this point, I was tempted to grab a piece of paper, create and hold up a sign stating: "WARNING!!! WARNING!!! DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!!!! NARCISSIST IN THE VICINITY!!!"
GEEZ!!!! Can't even research in peace without encountering a Narcissistic IDIOT!!!!

Plus today's advice column seems to be about MORE Narcissists!