I'm still scratching my head over a recent interaction with a neighbor.

Our condominium development rents out the party room and kitchen to residents. Until recently, one neighbor was in charge of the key to both rooms until he quit in a snit because someone dared say the word "No" to what he wanted to dictate. He turned the key over to his next door neighbor in his condo building. We needed to use that key to access the kitchen as the community was having a pool party where everyone, who lives here, was invited. At the last minute, the neighbor who was given the key announced that she had to go out of town and would not be available to assist with the pool party. At that point, the key was handed over to me so I could continue with the pool party preparations and clean-up.
Last night, at a committee meeting, this neighbor asked for the return of the key. I commented about the fact that a resident was going to rent the party room on August 25th and that the room would need to be made available to the renter throwing the party plus checking the conditions of the place both before and after the party as well as locking up. (This means the person being responsible for opening and closing the party room will need to be available for roughly six hours....one hour before the party, being on stand-by during the party in case any problems arise, (which has occurred in the past), and for another hour or so after the party for supervising clean-up, checking for any damages, documenting any damages, and locking up.)
Judging from the expression on her face, she did NOT want to be bothered with this. She is aware that NONE of the property management staff will be available on the day of the party because it is on a Saturday. For now, I still have the key and I'm on stand-by to assist next Saturday.
Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's my age.....I no longer have patience with people who want the PRESTIGE of having something, a status symbol, and flaunting it in people's faces, but do NOT WANT THE RESPONSIBILITY that goes with it! Do you know what I mean?