Hiya Bones - are you getting your CERT hat on? You better batten the hatches, grease up the bilge pump, and strike the sails. It's fixin' to blow this weekend.
We start feeling the full effects tomorrow -- this is our last day to get ready. So GLAD they finished my storm shutters last week!
I'm working on this now and also in the process of brainstorming with a former colleague, who is Deaf, and is now a new member of my CERT team. In my friend's situation, radios would be useless. She has an IPhone that she uses for text messaging and e-mail. If the IPhone system goes down during this storm, like my cell phone did after the earthquake, we need an alternate system of communicating during the emergency. She lives in a different city a couple of miles away so if our wheels are unable to navigate after a disaster, we would be unable to walk to each other. Definitely a challenge.
In the meantime, here is today's "Dear Abby":
http://www.uexpress.com/dearabby/?uc_full_date=20121026The first letter writer may not realize it but her fiance' is showing all the signs of alcoholism. It's not how much one drinks or how frequently one drinks....it is how the alcohol CHANGES the personality!!!! The Doctor Jekyll/Mr. Hyde is a perfect description of this phenomenon.