Hops - you may actually have more issues from snow and wind, where you are. You're far enough away from the center, that it will minimize the effect. Still - take no chances, and cocoon as much as possible! Have you seen the blizzard warnings? OY! Hurricanes inside tropical storms, blizzards and 20-25 waves on Lake Michigan, and an earthquake of B.C., Canada this morning. (When it rains it pours... makes a person wonder about those pesky Mayans.)
Bones - from the latest update - the storm won't make landfall for 48-36 hours. Conditions will deteriorate, then just continue until you're ready for it to arrive already! The eye is predicted to come ashore between DE and NJ - just north of Baltimore. Perhaps by that time, the southwest/southern quadrant of the storm will be weaker. Our winds started to occasionally shift to the N-NW off & on after 2 pm. We've got at least 24 more hours of this here - gale force winds maybe through Tuesday, according to the last update I heard. For us, it's NOT THAT BAD. South - Hatteras and Ocracoke are getting pounded - and the flooding is already started. Today it's the ocean, very late tonight - tomorrow, it'll be the sound side that takes on up to 7 ft of water. Hatteras' power is out; ours has only blinked once.
We'll see what happens overnight; Sandy is still actually about due east of Hatteras - 100 mi south of where I am. It's when it starts to move, that I'm afraid that things will go downhill in a hurry... even though it will be pulling north away from us at the same time.
Dr G - Boston will get some of this, too. Batten the hatches!