The Narcissism of some people never fail to appall me!!!

I was at a club meeting last night where the club president kept bugging us to GIVE him a wheelchair because using crutches for 4 or 5 days was TOO MUCH WORK! (He had to get stitches in his foot after a mishap and he complained that the Emergency Room refused to give him a wheelchair!) Several of us pointed out that his stitches would be coming out in a few days and Emergency Rooms are not in the habit of handing out wheelchairs to be used for only a few days because (1) they are EXPENSIVE! A USED wheelchair costs at least $300.00. (2) There are people who MUST use wheelchairs because their legs no longer function. (It's NOT a fun situation to be in.)
When his plea for a wheelchair fell on deaf ears, (Yeah, like as IF we have a wheelchair in our closets to simply hand over to him), then he started complaining that he has a job interview scheduled for Monday and that it would be too much work to get there on crutches!

He actually suggested that he was going to just blow it off because of the effort required to get there. (He's been out of work for several YEARS and has gone so far as to send the club members e-mails asking that WE pay his mortgage FOR him while he spent whatever money he got his hands on for comic books! He was shocked when we responded with one word.....NO!) I sat there, with my mouth hanging open, thinking WTF?!?!?! There are several other members of the club who RECENTLY LOST their jobs, have been beating the bushes searching for other jobs, their Unemployment is running out and cannot get extensions any longer, plus there are other members who are facing financial crises due to the current losing their jobs, federal workers being furloughed, the rest of us struggling to find a steady, reliable, income that can pay the bills and this TWIT announces that going to a job interview requires TOO MUCH EFFORT?!?!?!?!?