Maybe I'm old school.....certain things annoy the HELL out of me such as the following:
(1) Being talked down to, as if I'm a child, regarding HOW I'm spending my money in a cafe' by the cafe' manager. (NICE way of alienating your customers and losing their business when your business is DEPENDENT on RETURNING customers! Plus, I AM NOT A CHILD!)
(2) Having someone focus ENTIRELY on texting while I'm trying to hold a conversation. (NOT easy for any Aspie to try to hold or maintain a conversation while the other individual has their eyes glued to their iPhone and not even grunt any acknowledgement of the attempted conversation.)
(3) Having that same someone turn their back and walk away in the middle of introductions being made and turn their attention back to the iPhone. (There is being Aspie and, then again, there is BEING RUDE!

I finally said to myself, "SCREW THIS!" and came back home!