the letter from the hair stylist, I can empathize. I can NEVER figure out WHY people insist on spreading their contagious illnesses wherever they go or insist on sending their sick kids out KNOWING they are sick AND contagious! Reminds me of when I was still working at a residential school for the Deaf. One child was battling leukemia so her immune system was NOT at its best. Around that time, one of the teachers learned she was newly pregnant. Then another one of the students, (a commuter from the metro area), walked in the front door CLEARLY COVERED IN MEASLES!!!!! She got marched straight to the Infirmary and her parents were called to come pick her up! The kid's mother REFUSED because it was "too inconvenient to keep her home"!

A security officer drove the kid back to her house and the mother was informed that her kid was home, like it or not! Same dingbat attempted to send the kid BACK to school because SHE didn't want to be bothered with nursing a sick kid and insisted that WE should! The school nurse told this dingbat that another child was battling leukemia and did NOT need to be exposed to measles plus other adults do NOT want to be exposed to measles either! The dingbat's response? Not her problem! I think CPS finally had to get involved before she GRUDGINGLY let her sick kid stay home to recuperate. That mess still has me shaking my head!