Author Topic: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?  (Read 1305622 times)


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5280 on: December 25, 2013, 04:59:01 AM »
Just checking in.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5281 on: December 25, 2013, 06:04:10 AM »
Just checking in.

Merry Christmas, Miss Bones!  Virtual hug for you :)  Thank you for your thread, I find that reading about other people's problems sometimes helps me with my own xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5282 on: December 25, 2013, 06:20:25 AM »
Just checking in.

Merry Christmas, Miss Bones!  Virtual hug for you :)  Thank you for your thread, I find that reading about other people's problems sometimes helps me with my own xx

Merry Christmas, (((((((Tupp)))))), and you're welcome.  Glad to help out whenever I can.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5283 on: December 25, 2013, 01:31:20 PM »
This must be the year for N's to come out of hiding and start bugging us again!   :P

I heard a knock on my door a few moments ago.  I called out, thinking it was one of my neighbors in my condo building, and I heard someone going up the stairs instead.  When I opened my door, I found a stack of Christmas presents, in fancy wrap, on my doormat.  When I opened up the card that came with these gifts, I was NOT happy!!!  The gifts were from NDOOFUS!!!!  How she got inside a secure building with a security system, I have NO idea!

Then she writes inside the card:  "(Bones), Refuse the gifts because they're too little - or give them to (Mr. Blue).  Thinking of you this Christmas - God Bless You!"

What IS it with this passive-aggressive stuff?!?!?!   :P
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5284 on: December 25, 2013, 04:24:42 PM »
This must be the year for N's to come out of hiding and start bugging us again!   :P

I heard a knock on my door a few moments ago.  I called out, thinking it was one of my neighbors in my condo building, and I heard someone going up the stairs instead.  When I opened my door, I found a stack of Christmas presents, in fancy wrap, on my doormat.  When I opened up the card that came with these gifts, I was NOT happy!!!  The gifts were from NDOOFUS!!!!  How she got inside a secure building with a security system, I have NO idea!

Then she writes inside the card:  "(Bones), Refuse the gifts because they're too little - or give them to (Mr. Blue).  Thinking of you this Christmas - God Bless You!"

What IS it with this passive-aggressive stuff?!?!?!   :P

Opened up the boxes and found stuff that seem to be re-gifted.  Two of the items were cheaply made things that prominently said:  "Made in China" and I have NO use for, plus a box of fruit that has already been turning brown and smells strong.  I can't help but get the feeling that someone gave her that fruit at an office Christmas party, she didn't want it, so she re-gifted it to me.  As for the stuff made in China, they look like stuff that she got for free when she received something via mail-order.  Sometimes, these mail-order businesses enclose stuff as "free gifts" with the order.  She didn't want the "free gifts" from the mail-order business so they got me.  I just can't envision her spending that kind of money on someone who has gone NC on her for nearly five years and she clearly doesn't have a CLUE about what is going on in the lives of anyone else outside of her orbit.  NDoofus has NOT changed!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5285 on: December 25, 2013, 04:55:00 PM »
This must be the year for N's to come out of hiding and start bugging us again!   :P

I heard a knock on my door a few moments ago.  I called out, thinking it was one of my neighbors in my condo building, and I heard someone going up the stairs instead.  When I opened my door, I found a stack of Christmas presents, in fancy wrap, on my doormat.  When I opened up the card that came with these gifts, I was NOT happy!!!  The gifts were from NDOOFUS!!!!  How she got inside a secure building with a security system, I have NO idea!

Then she writes inside the card:  "(Bones), Refuse the gifts because they're too little - or give them to (Mr. Blue).  Thinking of you this Christmas - God Bless You!"

What IS it with this passive-aggressive stuff?!?!?!   :P

Opened up the boxes and found stuff that seem to be re-gifted.  Two of the items were cheaply made things that prominently said:  "Made in China" and I have NO use for, plus a box of fruit that has already been turning brown and smells strong.  I can't help but get the feeling that someone gave her that fruit at an office Christmas party, she didn't want it, so she re-gifted it to me.  As for the stuff made in China, they look like stuff that she got for free when she received something via mail-order.  Sometimes, these mail-order businesses enclose stuff as "free gifts" with the order.  She didn't want the "free gifts" from the mail-order business so they got me.  I just can't envision her spending that kind of money on someone who has gone NC on her for nearly five years and she clearly doesn't have a CLUE about what is going on in the lives of anyone else outside of her orbit.  NDoofus has NOT changed!

One more thing...she also enclosed a gift of liquid hand soap.  Reminded me of when she gave me dish washer soap for Christmas with the price still written on the box.  What planet is she living on?
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5286 on: December 25, 2013, 10:37:04 PM »
Yah your Nar-person is mental. Wish they would just STOP.     (my mother contacted me also and I would be more content if she didn't)   

It feels like such a difficult and hard leap to just see them as insane. In my opinion my mind keeps on trying to make sense out of the nar behavior but it doesn't make sense.


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5287 on: December 26, 2013, 04:08:07 AM »
I wish the N's would GET LOST and STAY LOST!!!   :P
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5288 on: December 26, 2013, 04:16:52 AM »

The first letter writer sounds like she is living on her own planet with her own reality.  I'm not believing HER version.  She sounds like an N to me.

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5290 on: December 26, 2013, 11:30:20 AM »
FWIW, I know the exact heartbreak of the first LW.

Who knows. There's not enough info in her letter to make clear
what dysfunction was there that would cause three grown children
to cut them off. Perhaps they "deserve it." Perhaps they're just
human, clueless, dim or bumbling. And perhaps their kids
grew up with a strong sense of entitlement and a weak sense
of compassion. I know the old "honor thy" thing is passé in this
culture, or large parts of it.

Still, it's a kind of pain that is hard to assimilate.
In my case--one child. But my only one. And only family.

Hard not to feel like a Martian, a fraud, a failure, a dreadful person.
Sure did shatter my sense of myself. Which I'm having to rebuild
with a different view. I'm way less complacent about myself, and
always skeptical of my good feelings. I feel they're undeserved,
if my child I love so much has rejected me. Even though I know
she's quite ill, I still internalized a lot of her hatred in recent years.
Working on that, since on another level I know it's irrational.

With a lot of therapy, I've figured out that a LOT was my fault,
and a LOT was not (her father's and other deaths, her genes).

What remains to see is, will she eventually see the difference between
those two "lots" and secondly, forgive me for what was mine?

I do not know. So, I give up expecting. I do feel compassion for
that LW, though. I'm only 63, and I imagine it just is even sadder
for folks that age to be cut adrift from their kids.

Ice floe, etc.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5291 on: December 26, 2013, 12:38:59 PM »

I understand your situation.  Your D has issues of her own that only she can work through.

As for the first letter writer, I tend to be cynical given that all three of her adult children have gone NC.  When the GCB went NC a long time ago, I could only speculate his reasons.  On the one hand, knowing what the NWomb-Donor did to both of us, I felt he was justified cutting her off as she sexually abused both of us.  Now if he was miffed because he wasn't getting any inheritance after the nursing home took everything.....oh, well......  Who knows?  It could be a combination of the two...him feeling entitled to an inheritance after the way she USED and ABUSED him for her own self-gratification. 

With N's, like the NWomb-Donor I had to deal with, they blame others while refusing to take responsibility for their own actions.  She really set me off, toward the end of her life, when she announced to me that "children deserved to be raped because they are naturally whores anyway."  CUSSED her out that day, I did!  Wouldn't surprise me if she announced the same crap to GCB to justify what she did to him!  SICKO!! 

Then, recently, when Cousin Jackass called me up...he couldn't understand how GCB could cut her off because, as far as Cousin Jackass is concerned, NWomb-Donor was the PERFECT GODDESS in his eyes!  (Plus dragging the mention of the pedophile into the conversation just to get on my nerves, KNOWING how much I HATED my abusers!)  EWWWWWWWWW!!   :P  I wish all N's would GET LOST and STAY LOST!!!! 
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5292 on: December 26, 2013, 01:15:35 PM »
This must be the year for N's to come out of hiding and start bugging us again!   :P

I heard a knock on my door a few moments ago.  I called out, thinking it was one of my neighbors in my condo building, and I heard someone going up the stairs instead.  When I opened my door, I found a stack of Christmas presents, in fancy wrap, on my doormat.  When I opened up the card that came with these gifts, I was NOT happy!!!  The gifts were from NDOOFUS!!!!  How she got inside a secure building with a security system, I have NO idea!

Then she writes inside the card:  "(Bones), Refuse the gifts because they're too little - or give them to (Mr. Blue).  Thinking of you this Christmas - God Bless You!"

What IS it with this passive-aggressive stuff?!?!?!   :P

Opened up the boxes and found stuff that seem to be re-gifted.  Two of the items were cheaply made things that prominently said:  "Made in China" and I have NO use for, plus a box of fruit that has already been turning brown and smells strong.  I can't help but get the feeling that someone gave her that fruit at an office Christmas party, she didn't want it, so she re-gifted it to me.  As for the stuff made in China, they look like stuff that she got for free when she received something via mail-order.  Sometimes, these mail-order businesses enclose stuff as "free gifts" with the order.  She didn't want the "free gifts" from the mail-order business so they got me.  I just can't envision her spending that kind of money on someone who has gone NC on her for nearly five years and she clearly doesn't have a CLUE about what is going on in the lives of anyone else outside of her orbit.  NDoofus has NOT changed!

One more thing...she also enclosed a gift of liquid hand soap.  Reminded me of when she gave me dish washer soap for Christmas with the price still written on the box.  What planet is she living on?

I gave the liquid hand soap to the community bathroom so that others could use it.  I quickly learned WHY this soap was "gifted" to me....the pumping mechanism does NOT work!  Either someone gave it to her, she realized it was broken, and she "re-gifted" it, as she has a habit of doing or she bought it, realized the pumping mechanism was broken and instead of taking it back, DUMPED it on me!  Typical N!    :P
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5294 on: December 26, 2013, 10:38:11 PM »
holy carp, LOL Bones wow, that was some really good comic relief   
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 10:41:29 PM by Green Bean »