Author Topic: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?  (Read 1304729 times)


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5820 on: June 06, 2014, 08:53:48 AM »
Morning, Bones--
I hope you'll have a good weekend, and
maybe some chance for nature/beauty/art, etc...


Thanks, Hops.

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5821 on: June 07, 2014, 11:13:11 AM »

I've known someone like this and now she doesn't get invited anywhere with anyone anymore.

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5822 on: June 08, 2014, 04:07:22 AM »

I've known someone like this and now she doesn't get invited anywhere with anyone anymore.

Ah it used to be like this with my sister!  We'd arrange to do things and she'd always turn up with no money, or she'd be wearing the wrong clothes for a walk in the woods and borrow my boots etc.  I used to feel like I was being done over every time!  My T gave exactly the same advice as they do in this article - just say, oh that's a shame, and carry on as if nothing's happened.  The next time we were meeting up we were going for a walk in the woods.  It was fairly cold and had been raining - and she turned up with no coat and wearing ballet pumps.  I thought my head was going to explode from not saying anything, I felt awful as it was just so not like me but we went to the woods and she was blue by the time we got back to the car.  I can't say it worked, mind you, she's still like it, we just don't see much of each other anymore :(


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5823 on: June 08, 2014, 06:39:35 AM »

I've known someone like this and now she doesn't get invited anywhere with anyone anymore.

Ah it used to be like this with my sister!  We'd arrange to do things and she'd always turn up with no money, or she'd be wearing the wrong clothes for a walk in the woods and borrow my boots etc.  I used to feel like I was being done over every time!  My T gave exactly the same advice as they do in this article - just say, oh that's a shame, and carry on as if nothing's happened.  The next time we were meeting up we were going for a walk in the woods.  It was fairly cold and had been raining - and she turned up with no coat and wearing ballet pumps.  I thought my head was going to explode from not saying anything, I felt awful as it was just so not like me but we went to the woods and she was blue by the time we got back to the car.  I can't say it worked, mind you, she's still like it, we just don't see much of each other anymore :(

I understand how that is.

The situation I encountered was as a member of a club that went out to eat at a local restaurant.  The freeloader, that showed up, had not paid her club dues for a long time so she was dropped from the mailing list.  (Postage costs money and the United States Postal Service is not going to process mail without postage.)  Well, she had been a member of the club long enough to know our habits and she turned up at one of our meetings unannounced and uninvited.  We didn't object because we were meeting in a public restaurant and anyone is permitted to dine there.  When she ordered the most expensive meal on the menu, we didn't think anything of it because, again, anyone is permitted to dine at this restaurant and order anything they want.  After the meal, and just as the club meeting was about to start, she announced that she had another commitment and had to leave.  We thought, and even said, "Okay, see you later." and proceeded with our meeting.  We were given the understanding that she was settling her tab with our waitress on the way out the door.  Other members had done that when they had to leave early for whatever reasons.  (I've had to do that at least once when something came up and I needed to leave.  I found the waitress and paid my tab before heading out the door at that previous time.)

Well, when it was time to pay for our meal at the end of the evening, we discovered that Ms. Freeloader had pulled a "Dine and Dash" WITHOUT PAYING and STUCK US WITH HER EXPENSIVE MEAL!  We were PISSED OFF!  The second time she turned up, we thought we were ready for her and arranged with the waitress to have SEPARATE checks instead of the prior arrangement that we had done for years.  Once again, Ms. Freeloader ordered the most expensive meal on the menu.  When she finished eating, she excused herself with an announcement that she had to visit the Ladies Room.  (Each of us have had to visit those facilities ourselves so......)  When she didn't return from the bathroom, I and another female club member went looking for her, thinking she had become ill.  We found the bathroom EMPTY!  Ms. Freeloader had pulled ANOTHER DINE AND DASH!!!  Not only had she ripped us off TWICE, now she was adding LYING to her routine and WE WERE EVEN MORE PISSED OFF!!!

Several months later, she had the AUDACITY to show up a THIRD TIME, order the most expensive meal on the menu, and when it came time to settle up the dinner tab, she attempted to sidle her way out the door WITHOUT PAYING.  We BLOCKED the door and CONFRONTED her!  She tried to get us to feel sorry for her BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T BRING ANY MONEY WITH HER!  (Sorry, Charlie!  Too little, too late and that bridge is BURNED TO A CRISP!)  When she couldn't appeal to the club, as a whole, to pay for her dinner (again), she attempted to corner me with guilt trips and promises to reimburse me if I paid for her dinner.  I looked her square in the face and told her point blank:  "Hell NO!  You've made NO effort to reimburse the club the FIRST time you stiffed us!  You've made NO effort to reimburse the club after the SECOND time you stiffed us plus YOU LIED TO US when you showed up that second time!  And you have the BLOODY NERVE to expect me to believe your empty, LYING promises NOW?!?!  THAT BRIDGE IS GONE!"  She was in total panic mode by this point and was whining, "What do I do?!?!?  I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!"  I suggested she talk with the restaurant staff about washing their dishes and I left.

Fast forward a few years.....after I retired.  I'm sitting in a different restaurant, close to home, using their Wi-Fi and having a small meal when who walks in the door?  Ms. Freeloader!!!!!!  She sees me and plops her butt down at my table even though I did NOT invite her!  In fact, I had IGNORED her as soon as I realized it was HER!  She sat at my table, anyway, and proceeded to give me not so subtle hints that she was hungry but didn't have any money!  I responded:  "Too bad." and continued eating and working on my laptop.  Then she asked if she could "sample" what was on my plate!  (WTF?!?!?  WHAT NERVE!)  I responded:  "HELL, NO!"  Then she started whining about how the club doesn't send her any mailings anymore.  I asked her if she had resumed paying her dues, telling her bluntly that once you pay your dues, your name will be put back on the mailing list.  Her response:  "But.... I am a FOUNDING MOTHER!  I should NOT have to pay anything!  I'm ENTITLED!"  I pointed out to her that I am also a FOUNDING MEMBER of the club, and I continue to PAY dues so I can continue receiving the mailings!  I also explained, IN DETAIL, about how the United States Postal Service works in delivering the mail and WHY they have to get PAID too!  I told her that I don't appreciate her attempts to screw over ANYONE like that, ESPECIALLY after what she pulled at the other restaurant!  She got the message that nobody likes a mooch and she left!  I haven't seen nor heard from her since.  What is WRONG with people?!?!?!?!?  GEEZ!!!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5825 on: June 09, 2014, 06:05:54 AM »
I remember, when I was in grade school, many, many, moons ago, studying about the Scopes Monkey Trial and all the debates that went on back then regarding science, Darwin, etc.  Yesterday, I discover that someone posted a l-o-n-g screed on my Facebook wall ranting against science, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Neil deGrasse Tyson while decreeing Creationism is superior to science and that science is WRONG!  I didn't bother to respond to the screed.  At this point, my attitude is you can post whatever you believe on YOUR OWN WALL, but DON'T clutter my wall with delusional, self-righteous, climate-denying nonsense.  It's the same as visiting my home and then spray painting nonsense on my home's walls or insulting and attempting to fight my other visiting guests in MY house!  I had posted warnings before about MY HOUSE, MY RULES.  I enforced those rules by deleting the screed.  If she posts her screed again, then both the screed and she will be removed.

What is WRONG with people?!?!?!?!?

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5827 on: June 09, 2014, 06:17:09 AM »
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5828 on: June 10, 2014, 08:11:47 AM »
Checking in......
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5829 on: June 11, 2014, 05:53:18 AM »
Checking in..........

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #5834 on: June 12, 2014, 06:13:00 PM »
While watching the YouTube video Ted Talk about the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project, I learned about a new concept.  Instead of a Think Tank, what about a Play Tank?

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