I'm stepping outside of my comfort zone and learning to do something that I've never done before ... I'm learning to admin an on-line discussion group about science fiction and fantasy writing. The original admin was being overwhelmed by unwanted spamming and I asked if he needed help in dealing with it. In response, he gave me admin privileges and I've been basically acting as "Sargent at Arms", reminding the members of the rules and boundaries i.e. no self promotions, no book promotions, no hyping books by their friends, no spamming. I've been discussing the rules every morning every time new members are added to the group so that everyone is on the same page (pardon the pun). After all of that, one person not only posted a self-promotion, immediately under his self-promotion, he writes "I know this is in violation of the rules but ... look at me anyway!" I removed it and posted a warning that if he commits a second violation, he will be removed from the discussion group. I asked that he please respect the boundaries as written. I can't help but shake my head....