Looks like being an Admin of a group page has its ups and downs as well as its share of whiners and whingers. One of the things that I have been doing, with the other Admin's knowledge and permission, is to remind members to review the group rules after several new members have joined the group. I find it's much more efficient to post it openly to the entire group rather than trying to private message three or more members individually. Some "older" members have forgotten the group rules and started posting self-promotions, book promotions, etc. in violation of the rules which prompted me to remove the violations and remind everyone that the group is not set up to be selling anything.
Well, one "older" member took exception to my approach and strenuously objected to the way I was enforcing the rules along with DEMANDING that I admin the group HER way! I explained the system that this group already has in place and she repeated her objections because we were not doing so HER way! Then she posted a message, addressed to the other Admin, complaining that SHE did NOT approve of the way I was being an Admin! She suddenly disappeared without notice. I figured that (a) she quit in a huff or (b) the other Admin gave her the heave-ho. I think she learned, the hard way, do NOT piss off the Admins.