Recently, someone did a "data dump" into my online Family Tree WITHOUT my permission! I contacted the Techies to see if I could find out how this was possible since I have NOT granted anyone that kind of access! I didn't name any names but I had a STRONG suspicion who it was as their Tree is the ONLY tree that contains the identical data.
The Techies asked me a gazillion questions to see if I had clicked on certain links in their website only to determine that since I am NOT a paid subscriber, I don't have access to those particular links. To add to this mystery, this "data dump" occurred AFTER I set my Tree to "PRIVATE". I went ahead and changed my password so that whoever did this could NOT do it again!
About 48 hours after I reported this unauthorized hacking and "data dump", I discover that the Prime Suspects had their profile DEACTIVATED! Their Username is still there but everything else is BLANK! Now I'm wondering, due to the timing, if the Techies continued to investigate the unauthorized hacking, "data dump", and CAUGHT the Prime Suspects with forensic evidence. If that is the case, then the Prime Suspects deserved the consequences of violating the rules!