Need to vent!!!
I've been dealing with Shingles for over a month, living with nerve damage and pain from it, so I am NOT in the best of moods! I had to go to the grocery as the pantry was running on empty. While at the grocery, I encounter an acquaintance who wants me to participate in a social event, this weekend, that requires stamina that I don't have right now. I explained that I've been ill for over a month and I'm not up to socializing yet. His response? "But you're out of your house now!" What part of the concept, "NEEDING FOOD" is NOT understood?!?!?
It was all I could do to bite my tongue and NOT flick off on him!!!!
Aw, Bones, people like that drive me mad! I get it with my son: "Well, he looks okay at the minute" - that's because he's been in bed for three days recuperating! I find those are the times when I love someone to say "oh gosh, is there anything I can do to help?". It's so appreciated, even if there's nothing they can do, because it makes you feel heard and that you matter. You did well to bite your tongue, I tend to be rude

I hope you start to feel better soon xx