reminds me of something that my cousins did when they were kids. When their mother, my aunt, was dying of cancer, our grandmother and NWomb-donor would go over to the house to "take care" of the dying relative. These two also used that as an excuse to go through my cousins' rooms and TAKE things that THEY wanted! If one of my cousins was given some candy and these two biddies found it, they took it. If they found a comic book, (these two old bats did NOT like comic books), they would TRASH IT. (The list goes on with stuff they would rummage through without permission even though IT WAS NOT THEIR HOUSE!) My cousins were aware that these two old bats had a PHOBIA of rodents and snakes. With their father's permission, they each got a white mouse that they kept in a cage in each of their respective rooms. What made it FUN was that NOTHING was said about the mice to these two old rummaging bats. When they went to go rummaging again and encountered the mice, they both FREAKED!!!!

They attempted to ORDER my uncle to GET RID OF THEM because THEY DID NOT APPROVE! My uncle told both of them: NOPE! The two biddies were pissed off because they couldn't rummage through my cousins' stuff anymore.