What IS it with inDUHviduals who DEMAND "Special Exceptions" to policies/rules/regulations/procedures, etc.?!?!?!

I might have mentioned, in an earlier posting, about an acquaintance who is renting out his unit. His last tenant created quite an uproar that involved the police due to domestic violence. He had been notified about the situation, several times, for one year in which he did NOTHING that a landlord is required to do! When the first hearing about the situation took place, he gave a lot of excuses. When a SECOND HEARING was required, he CHOSE NOT TO ATTEND because he felt he didn't need to bother! Well, that cost him consequences in the way of being fined! He appealed the fine and it was reduced. Now he's appealing AGAIN, CLAIMING that he's being treated "unfairly"!! WTF?!?!?