I can NEVER understand people who refuse to respect boundaries and refuse to respect the word "No"!
I was discussing allergies with a couple of other people and what I learned had my jaw on the floor! In one case, a child with a SEVERE allergy to nuts kept politely telling this adult, "No, thank you.", to their insistence that the child eat a cookie LOADED with nuts! The adult pulled a power-play on the child and when the child ate the nut-laden cookie, he turned blue and 9-1-1 had to be called! Thankfully, the child survived!
In the second case, when a mother and 7-year-old son attended a social event, the child wore a name tag that CLEARLY stated, "I am SEVERELY allergic. Please do not offer me food or water." (He's also allergic to chlorine that is in the water.) Well, this DINGBAT insisted on giving this 7-year-old child candy that was LOADED with nuts, caramel, chocolate, etc. His mother reminded the DINGBAT that her son is ALLERGIC and he CANNOT eat the candy without landing in the Emergency Room! DINGBAT responds, "Well, he can just hold onto it and give it away to a child who isn't allergic!" WTF?!?!?!?

This DINGBAT expected a 7-year-old to be immune to candy!!!
What is WRONG with people?!?!?!?