Did you get to watch the border collies herd?
I love those events here--sheep trials.
Great that you got out to the fest, Bones.
Happy fiber fanatic?

I didn't get down to the corral where the sheep dog demos were happening. I was too busy exploring the various vendors and having a BLAST petting the sheep and the wool! I missed seeing the alpacas as they are so SOFT! They had the alpaca judging on Saturday so either they were sold or the owners took them back home.
Yes, I'm a Fiber Fanatic. I found a button yesterday, from the vendors who sold me my spinning wheel, which says: "Resistance is futile! Join the hive!" I also played with the upgraded version of my spinning wheel and saw that my spinning skills are improving. While walking around the vendors, I saw a sign that made me laugh: "No thanks! I have enough yarn! says no one EVER!"
Came home with various fibers, (Falkland and Merino), dyed Purple in honor of Prince and got some Maple Cream. I got a sample of some raw East Friesian so I can show Muggles what wool, fresh off the sheep, looks like. Checked out some rigid heddle looms, a charkha, discussed Gandhi while the charkha was being shown, and took some pictures of the Sheep to Shawl competition. The team dressed like the characters from Alice in Wonderland won that competition. Yep, I've gone down the Rabbit Hole with Alice!