My former sister-in-law posted this on Facebook and it showed up in my Newsfeed:
"Always remember people will come and go, but you only have one MOTHER forever!
Love her always because there will come a day when she won’t be here to hold....."
My response:
"Unless you deal with the dysfunctional one that screwed up your ex-husband."
Aw, Bones, it's always sad when those sort of blanket, Hallmark type sentiments get posted because it's patently untrue for so many people. Someone I know posted something similar recently and it was sad/frightening/surprising to read how many comments basically saying what you've said; not everyone's a saint, not everyone has good relationships and some people are just too unhealthy to be around. What was equally surprising was the number of people posting who were astonished to hear people saying negative things about their families: I guess if you're lucky enough to grow up in a loving family it's hard to imagine not having that.
Funnily enough I was thinking about you this morning

There's a programme here called 'Who Do You Think You Are', where famous people trace back their family trees. There's a guy called 'Shovel' who's the drummer with a band called M People (I don't know if they got famous in the States) but in it he talks about growing up as a black child in a white family in the sixties and seventies and therefore always assuming he'd been adopted, although it was never talked about. He had a really happy, loving childhood, lovely parents and has nothing but good to say about them, but in his thirties he found out his adopted mum was actually his birth mother. She'd had a fling with a guy at work and he was the result of it. Initially he'd been put up for adoption but then his parents decided to get him back and raise him themselves - apparently the first his dad knew of the affair was when he got to the hospital and found his wife cradling a black baby. I guess she was hoping he was the father and would never know about the affair. So they took him back and this guy raised him as his own, it was an emotional story, so much love and a sort of 'well let's get on with it' attitude. Anyway, family trees - made me think of you!
