"Always remember people will come and go, but you only have one MOTHER forever!
Love her always because there will come a day when she won’t be here to hold....."
I dread seeing these memes. There's always a bombardment of them around Mother's Day. I don't want to ruin a friend's thread with my true feelings, so find it best to avoid Facebook during that time. I have to sit on my hands and bite my tongue to stop myself from writing: "My mother is dead and burning in hell, and I'm HAPPY about it. Burn, witch, burn!" 
Well, given the numerous discussions I previously had with her, I just gave her a gentle reminder of how SCREWED UP her ex-husband was and that his being screwed up didn't occur in a vacuum. I don't hesitate to say to her: "Yeah, your ex-husband, my NGCB, WAS AN A$$HOLE! Egg-donor Jocasta made him that way!"