Yes!! That's her!! (How did they get a piccy of her to put on wiki, though??!
" Now put a Kylie 80's side ponytail and fedora on that smog monster."
- don't forget the satin hotpants, too.
Even though I hate what I went through, I agree that it's worse to be the Golden Child because that never ends. The idea of keeping the myth going in order to be 'safe' from the treatment she saw being meted out to me is an important one. I think, deep down, she must have SOME awareness that I've got away, and she's still trapped. She still lives a few minutes' drive from my NMum, in a boring grey town in Essex, close to where we grew up, and they see each other virtually every day (bleh!). I, on the other hand, moved 300 miles away and live in the beautiful Peak District. She's got to listen to the endless regurgitating of past bitterness, and I haven't.
What worries me is that my NSister will probably repeat the cycle with her own daughter, as she'll know no different.
Gaining Strength,
They just don't get it, do they? Or don't want to. Too painful.
I'm glad you found validation here, too. Isn't it important?