Author Topic: 1 of the hardest things of being the non-N living with an N  (Read 1536 times)


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1 of the hardest things of being the non-N living with an N
« on: August 13, 2007, 02:26:28 PM »
As I was sweeping my floor to please the NH, who doesn't seem to "get" what "I'm not feeling well today" actually means, and thus, expects me to function like the normal housecleaning wife that I am daily...a thought had occurred to me.

So many times through life, my own bio-mother told me "lessons" about what I'd experience in my future.  Things like, "don't talk to strangers"  "if the boy teases ya, it's cause he likes ya"   "remember that it takes more muscles to frown that it does to smile"  ...things like that.

I could also remember all the things she and other people had told me...ways to handle problems in marriage, talking to the spouse about disagreements, things like problem

None of that good advice that DOES actually work with "normal-minded" people, works with Narcissists and dysfunctional-minded people.

For a normal, balanced man, when his wife tells him that something he does upsets her, he will usually apologize and try to correct his behavior or words.  A narcissist will say "oh, everything bothers you!  You are such a complainer.  What do you WANT from me?"

For a normal, balanced man, when his wife tells him she is about to leave him, he will show concern and try to find out where the problem is and how he can work with his wife to improve things.  For the N, his response might be "YOU are the  one with the problem, not me.  Why don't you go see that shrink of yours and get your head screwed back on straight."

"I'm so sorry I hurt you like that honey.  I'll try never to do that again." vs "You always have something to complain about.  SO I screwed up.  WHo cares?  Get over it and stop making a mountain out of a molehill"

So, my heart goes to all of you in these types of relationships with N's and dysfunctionals...especially those of you who generally are not N's or very dysfunctional yourselves.

Remember it is totally crazy expecting REASONABLE behavior from a perosn whose ability to REASON was never formed.


Certain Hope

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Re: 1 of the hardest things of being the non-N living with an N
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 02:39:42 PM »
Dear Laura,

I'm sorry you're not feeling so well today... a quiet, peaceful place where you could lie down and nap... that would be good, I think.
Remembering those days when nothing seemed reasonable, it sure is exhausting. I got to the point of not saying a word... it just wasn't worth the energy and effort. Helped me alot then to do what I had to do for Jesus, nobody else... you can be sure that He understands. He's been there.



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Re: 1 of the hardest things of being the non-N living with an N
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 04:33:26 PM »
Dear Laura,
   I hear that you are tired,sick and discouraged.. N's look 'worse" when you don't feel well.It iS really hard to live with an N..
   I think that it is much worse if you need emotional  caring from another person. Then,it seems to "trigger" their nastiness.
   Needing TLC from an N is like putting yourself in a hungry lions den.
   I try NEVER to ask my H for any kind of support. Sometimes, if I am not THAT desperate I will ask him,but when I am really, really hurting, I avoid him.
 I think that they like to "kick us when we are down."
  This is VERY, VERY hurtful. It is a real betrayal and feels totally decimating.
   Is this what you are going through?
   I think that we have to get our support elsewhere. It is not fair,but I think that it is "reality"
                                  ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Laura))))))))))))))))                   Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: 1 of the hardest things of being the non-N living with an N
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 07:27:25 PM »

You have borne so much, and with patience.

Don't forget you have a right to be happy.
And if it's just not possible for him to help you co-create happiness in your home,
I don't know how to urge you either way...

Except I have faith in your courage and your sense.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 1 of the hardest things of being the non-N living with an N
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 11:13:42 PM »

If only I had known this, perhaps BagWorm would have stayed with me (oh wait, I threw HIM out!)

1. Approach NH meekly and ask him to sit down, so that you can kneel before him and take his boots off like a dutiful wife.

2. Take NH boots off.

3. As he drifts off, wrap both NH feet with old towels.

4. Tell NH that you really need him to sit there, and not venture through the house, as it will impede the progress of your cleaning. Beg!

5. After NH has traipsed through the entire house, your floors should be swept (somewhat)!

6. Beg NH not to drink any demon rum (have some handy). Tell him his being sober will help you to relax and heal.

7. Ten minutes later, as NH lays in the Barcalounger in an alcohol -induced stupor, remove the "sweeper" towels from his feet and put his pathetic tube socks back on. Install more towels about his ample midsection and strap diapers to his ham-fisted hands. SLiberally spray liquid furniture polish throughout the house.

8. Say "Darling, we only have a few pretzels left- please save me one, it would make me so happy."

9.  After NH slides through every room in the house racing to find and devour all of the pretzels in his inebriated state, bracing himself on all of the furniture, etc. your house will smell like polish, and the dusting will have been accomplished.

10. Tell him you desperately need to use the bathroom, please make sure all is clear there because you need to go now! Lavish Pinesol throughout the bath floor, sides of toilet, etc.

11. When NH wakes up the next morning on the floor next to the WC, he will love the fresh scent of Pinesol, and applaud your housekeeping abilities. and how the bath sparkles!

12. Rinse and repeat.

The new Martha Stewart,


« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 12:39:29 AM by changing »


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Re: 1 of the hardest things of being the non-N living with an N
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2007, 09:48:55 AM »
I had similar experience. But pity that I didn't notice he is an N until I broke up with him.
So hurting really as he thought that was all my fault all the time... Somehow I didn't know how to manage the relationship even I love him so much.