the email i received required me to send them a picture of myself holding a sign that had my "friend ID" on it to prove who i am. don't think xN could pull that one off too easily!

oh, i know a lot of that goes on....i get those SPAMs that have my name in the subject line, too...and stuff somehow keeps track of what you're searching for online and is somehow able to then email related SPAM to you...it truly is creepy, and i realize my xN is not responsible for that stuff.
but the other things i've mentioned in my post seem much more specific to me (and my xN)...such as my myspace profile being changed to "proud parent" without me doing it, xN sending me directly that poop porn link (it was from him, not someone i didn't know), being sent hundreds of the same SPAM message all at once by a "johnnyp" (one of xN's best buddies back then was named john p.), or being sent an "irreversible virus" by a "timmyh", when xN's other good buddy's name was tim, etc. (and xN called his buddies "johnny" and "timmy", too).
and i KNOW that i didn't send myspace customer service anything having to do with not being able to log in. i really do think i'm being hacked, most likely by xN.