since splitting from my xN, there have been several specific instances of disturbing internet situations. at first, it was obvious it was my xN. for example, not long after we'd broken up, he emailed me once from his own email address, and said "hey, check out this site, thought you might like it". i stupidly clicked on the link, which gave me no hint at what was in store. it led to a poop/scat porn site...totally disgusting. and, to make things worse, i'd opened this up on my stepdad's work computer. he could get fired for that. (mind you, this was 8 years ago, and i had no idea just what kind of person i was dealing with, exactly. i was pretty naive.). i told him to not email me anymore. he then emailed my boyfriend (who is now my husband) to ask "let me know if you need any help" (apparently with dating me??). my H replied "no thanks" and blocked his email.
after that, i then began receiving huge amounts of SPAM in my email address inbox, sometimes hundreds of the same SPAM email from names that sounded similar to my xN's buddy's names. my H began receiving tons of SPAM too, at the same time...way more than either of us had ever received. actually, i'd never received any SPAM before then. it was all of a sudden.
he found me a few months later on friendster and pretended like nothing bad had ever happened. i told him to leave me alone. then, a few weeks later, he finds me on myspace, and same thing: pretends like we're just old friends and he "happened" to bump into me. again, i told him to leave me alone.
now, whenever anything really weird happens in the electronic wonderland we call the "internet", i can't help but suspect it's the xN. for instance, i received a SPAM email last year that was pornographic in nature. the subject line said "here, J (my husband's name) thought you'd really like this". i opened it up because i thought maybe it was legit. it was just porn SPAM, of course.
on Sunday, one of my myspace friends sent me a message stating "i think it's so cool you've changed your profile status to "Proud Parent" even though you're still just pregnant". problem is, i never did change it. my H never changed it either. so who did??? i mean, if it was just a random myspace hacker who hacked my account, why would they change just that? and i believe xN could very easily know i'm pregnant, since we still have some mutual friends.
am i just being paranoid? i mean, i guess i have every reason to feel paranoid. but does this last thing (changing to "proud parent") seem really suspicious to anyone else. of course, the first thing both my H and i thought of was that somehow the xN hacked into my account.
i just think it's so ridiculous to still feel paranoid like this after 8 years about someone. why can't he just move on? or why can't i?