hiya Poppyseed,
Sounds like you are enjoying yourself? Glad you jumped in. The water's fine! This turned into something not all that gruesome after all.
No I cannot recognize my feelings and I believe that when I do I will the be able to respond as I ought, and the situation is over. If I have a feeling and I don't recognize it, it gets pushed inside of me with all the others, from growing up.
However, I am a robot. A robot can do what I do---------------- that is an exaggeration but it seems that way at times. Yes I am expressing myself, but with facts, not feelings, or does that not make sense?
I have been in therapy, this time, ----------oh I go tomorrow. I had better start writing the cheque. It takes a while for me to do it and SIGN it!....to over $2300.00, can't remember when I last looked. She is good and I now have had/recognized about 7 things that I felt and I dealt with them and happily the result just flew away. No room at the Inn--side!
I think it is good to cry and I haven't yet, but have had --count 'em--1----2----3 lumps in my throat since I began with her-WHEEEEE getting there!--lumps sure, but no tears or crying.
You have a point, about my age, and yes I feel empathy, especially for my daughter. We have so almost lived parallel lives, that I know what she endured, yet we are estranged----to a point for now--- and I can put my feet in her shoes, except she is in Ontario too--and my grandchildren.
My Therapist is trying to reconnect me to all the suppressed emotions that are inside, as they are repressed feelings. I have been shoving them there for most of my life, like maybe since I was born, or brought home, or first cried at home.....
Humour can be a healthy way of dealing with things, and I've hidden behind it since in my teens, but I hope I never lose it, if I get reconnected. I think if you find an ordinary person who has an odd, dry wit (I'm told that's me, too) then you might know therein lies some hurt. Most comedians are troubled people, so I've heard.
Thank you for thinking I'm great. Well this is me in a good mood, no bones to pick with anyone and not concerned, as I have a therapit to worry for me. haha. And as well, I am older, wiser, "mellowed and tempered", I guess, and everything I do is just what i do, from habit, without laughing or crying or getting angry.
I know therapy is good for me, but I cannot tell yet how far I have come. Therapist has been on vacation for 2 weeks. I'll be surprising her tomorrow.
Off to write the cheque Hmmmmmmmmmmm That ought to be making me cry every week
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