The surgery is set for Monday, August 27. Right now we are stripping wallpaper and I cleaned out the garage in 100 degree heat. I am sweating like a pig. I am on a 1200 calorie diet until the surgery but I went a bit over yesterday!!

Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday........I have a LOT of stuff to sell.....
My husband will keep my mom from pulling too many strings. He hates it when they stop by. I am afraid they will stop by more often since we will only live five blocks away. I want my dad to come over and swim since he needs exercise and is diabetic and can hardly walk. So I guess from that perspective it is ok if they stop by.
My mom said that she is giving me some of my inheritance BEFORE she dies so she can enjoy seeing us benefit from their money instead of dying and then having the family fight over their wealth. We are all starting to bicker over the log cabin that everyone loves.
So although I think my mom is definitely an N, I think deep down inside she is a descent person. Mu aunt says her success in a MLM company ruined her because she got so used to people flocking around her like a celebrity and she made a lot of money. Now she is well known for her donations and she also looks a lot younger than she is since she has had three face lifts and a tummy tuck.....people think we are sisters.
But I really believe she loves me and my kids. I just don't think she thinks anyone can make a decision better than she can - you know, it's her way or the highway. That is her major fault. She NEVER thinks anyone has good ideas other than hers.
Oh well, I am pretty good at setting boundaries and also putting work and personal lives in separate boxes.....
Thanks to all for your support......I really cannot wait for the surgery....I have been waiting so long and now it is 13 days!!