Hops, they are the delight of my life. The one on the right is a Lhasa Apso - Chewbacca, Chewy for short - and the one on the left is a Pekingnese - Hooch, Hoochie-Coochie at play times. Chewy is a mouthy, loving, smart-as-he** buddy who likes to go everywhere with me. He mouths off if I make him do something he doesn't want to do. He has a large vocabulary and knows me like a book. Hooch is funny, a real comic, not very bright but endearingly sweet. I don't think he ever played before he came to live with me. I got him at the pound a year ago - someone had dumped him beside the road at night. He was starving, infected and had lost 1/3 of his body weight, which for an 11 lb dog is a lot. And he's a purebreed. I'm happy to say he's now fattened up and thriving. We have lots of conversations the three of us. I even have a T-shirt that reads "Who needs a Therapist? I have a dog." They are my main squeezes and they beat the he** out of some of my NX's.