Hi Hope...
Do you mean saying to her, you're ill because you're in denial?
Do you think she will hear you and it'll be healing?
Hi Hops,
Something like that, yes.... only using alot more words (you know me

In her last weekly letter, she asked for prayer.
That was a first. I feel that she's very frightened... and I am praying for her, for the first time in my life, really.
My parents have always been quite religious Christians, at least when it comes to church attendance; but alot of that appears to be empty ritual, absent a personal relationship with Christ.
It's like they have "fire insurance" plus a couple extra riders on their policy, but don't let that interfere with their drinking, or general attitudes toward people. And I feel that she's dying... quickly.
Remember the Israelites? Liberated from Egypt, taken to Sinai for the Word, then 40 years in the wilderness, so many dying without entering Canaan... because of the pride of their hearts, their repeated refusals to trust and obey God, their murmuring and complaining...
well, I'm not into visions, but I've been in that wilderness, and I see her there now. So whether she hears me or not, I've been impressed with the fact that there may be no one else to say what needs to be said.
It's really bad, Hops. At times, I've just wished that she was gone... and I'm ashamed to feel that way, but God knows it's the truth and He's just not letting it rest. He keeps bringing me back to this and it's like I'm 4 years old again, afraid to open my mouth, just wanting her to go away and leave me be. But then, thinking back to another character who refused to go where he was sent, I realized that I really don't want to get swallowed by a whale, so I think I'd best follow through. It's not her physical healing that's weighing so heavily on me... I'm really not sure what she even believes.
So I've got my spiel all typed up... it's a sermon, really, based on one of my favorite Bible teaching messages from our pastor... and I believe it with all of my heart. Now if I can just put it into the mail.