Author Topic: Need a normalcy check - please help!  (Read 4896 times)

finding peace

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Re: Need a normalcy check - please help!
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2007, 12:24:15 PM »
Towrite - no imposition at all.  I would love to know more.  This dream has a lot of layers for me - and I would like to look at it again with the steps you mentioned.  I would also love to know the steps for use with future dreams.  I hardly ever remember a dream, so when one does occur I know that there is a message in it somewhere.

My heart is just breaking at the thought of what you experienced growing up.  The fact that your parents covered it up, and had you known at the time you still couldn't do anything about it- that is just not right.  Are you angry?  A lot of this thread deals with anger and my fear of it, are you angry that you were so betrayed (IMO) by your family (please don't feel you have to answer if this is too uncomfortable).

Much peace and love to you.

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Re: Need a normalcy check - please help!
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2007, 04:25:28 PM »
Sounds like you've received alot of advice and wisdom here already, so there's not much more to say - I'm happy for you that you seem to have figured much of this out.

I just wanted to say my first impression was that your parents' judgment seems impaired.

It's quite obvious that if one sibling HITS another with a large object, that sibling should be punished in some way. And NOT by having the OTHER sibling HIT him.

Were they big drinkers or were they somehow impaired? It just sounds so freaking NOT thinking. This is not how responsible parents act.

I hate to sound so judgmental because I myself have made bad judgments and have BEEN IMPAIRED in the past - but wow.

I just wonder if shown that videotape of the past, would they defend their own actions - or would they be ashamed?

It is abusive because YOU are the one put in the "position of authority" over your brother. That is their job as parents. You are also put in a dangerous position of having him retaliate on you. Also, they are all seeming to mock you for being hurt.

I just wanted to say, also that the dream, to me, signifies your desire for a normal life (all was normal down below...) but you have all this anger inside you that you didn't get to express. (THE FU on the phone) I bet that would have felt good to yell it, scream it as loud as possible when it was happening. But you probably kept it inside as the abuse happened. Right?

You deserve to be angry. You have a lot to be angry about. Loving folks don't hit each other with sticks, humiliate each other and force them to be violent and out of control. You kept your dignity through it all and that's alot. I would say that the only thing you need to do is learn to express your anger appropriately to the appropriate individuals as it's happening and you will have less bad dreams!

Remember, this happened to you as a child and you had no resources to help you through it. Now you have your kind, wise, protective, loving adult self to say NO WAY will these FU*&#ERS ever do this to me AGAIN!!!!!!!

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny

finding peace

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Re: Need a normalcy check - please help!
« Reply #32 on: August 17, 2007, 05:45:37 PM »

It is so good to hear from you!!  I hope the move is all done and all went well (as well as can be expected with an H accusing you of all sorts of nefarious activities instead of packing :roll: )

Were they big drinkers or were they somehow impaired? It just sounds so freaking NOT thinking. This is not how responsible parents act.

Got a chuckle out of the somehow impaired part (dark humor) - I am beginning to realize the full extent of their impairment - and they were really, really impaired.  Both drank a lot but alcohol wasn't a factor when this went on.

I just wonder if shown that videotape of the past, would they defend their own actions - or would they be ashamed?

Nope – been there, done that (not a videotape more discussions of the past).  They would always defend their actions to the death and never, ever an apology, and definitely no shame on their part.

In this case, I was told it was my fault because I could fight with words – he couldn’t keep up verbally – so he had to hit me.  This is the part that is really starting to bother me more and more.  This just excused his bad behavior.  Excuse after excuse after excuse.  Had I hit him with a stick – I would have been severely punished (no excuses allowed for me – in my case it was had to beat the devil out of that child.)

I bet that would have felt good to yell it, scream it as loud as possible when it was happening. But you probably kept it inside as the abuse happened. Right?

I did.  For years upon years upon years.  I snapped a few times as a child but the punishment for that was pretty severe so learned never to do it again.  I snapped again in my 20's.  My mother lied to my father about something and he started in on me - I asked him to please leave me alone.  That was all it took.  He clenched his fists and started coming towards me - eyes narrowed slits of rage, face purple, pulling his arm back to hit me.  I completely, insanely lost it.  I got right in his face, finger pointing, and screamed – go ahead, go ahead you crazy f***.  How about right here (pointing at my chin), I can tell you want to hit me, go ahead, but you better kill me this time, because if you lay one finger on me ever again I will call the cops and have you’re a** thrown in jail.  Shockingly – he backed down (now anyone out their reading this – I would NOT recommend taking this kind of action with a violent person).  I was at that point where I had had enough and I wanted it over, one way or the other.  I was at that point where I would rather be dead than live for one more minute with his physical violence a threat over my head.  I think he realized that I was at the point of no return and would call the cops in a heartbeat. And yes, it felt really good!

Sad thing is, he never raised a hand to me again, but the fear that he would never went away.  He had no impulse control at all.

Thank you also for the following…you are sooo right about the learning to express the anger appropriately and awakening to the realization that I do have the power to say never again.  I need to work through my fear of anger – and part of that is realizing that I am not that little girl anymore.

You deserve to be angry. You have a lot to be angry about. Loving folks don't hit each other with sticks, humiliate each other and force them to be violent and out of control. You kept your dignity through it all and that's alot. I would say that the only thing you need to do is learn to express your anger appropriately to the appropriate individuals as it's happening and you will have less bad dreams!

Remember, this happened to you as a child and you had no resources to help you through it. Now you have your kind, wise, protective, loving adult self to say NO WAY will these FU*&#ERS ever do this to me AGAIN!!!!!!!

((((((Much love to you Dandylife)))))
- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: Need a normalcy check - please help!
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2007, 11:13:52 PM »

I'm so sorry for all that you and towrite and others here have endured from these creatures!

i just want to let you know that you can feel FREE to talk about WHATEVER you want on this list, WITHOUT APOLOGY.  The more you discuss and hear people's views, the faster you will heal from all of it.

With my situation, it amazed Kay that I had done certain things with my children that she didn't with hers.  Like, I taught my children to memorize parts of the Bible...she, even being a minister, let her children decide for themselves what they wanted to learn (until she found out that they didn't even know the basics, while I was there).  She had a fit when I told her that i would film my children while they slept (video cam)...she was absolutely FREAKED OUT by the idea.  She also had a fit when I suggested that her church could possibly put me up when I came to visit her...she said "I would never even THINK of ASKING THEM!"  She was raised VERY differently in a way where IMAGE was all that mattered in her "family."

To her, "normal" meant a highly CONTROLLED life.  To me, normal meant INDIVIDUALITY and FUN




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Re: Need a normalcy check - please help!
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2007, 08:51:07 AM »
oh dear...i'm totally lost now.  Could someone please tell me where, in previous posts, taking meds/not taking meds, was the topic?  I'm married to an N and, after last night's cycling convo, i guess I'm failing to figure out what the meds/no meds post was in answer to in this thread.  Help.


finding peace

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Re: Need a normalcy check - please help!
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2007, 02:29:37 PM »
Hi Laura,

Thank you for the following - it eases something deep inside to hear confirmation of what I always suspected but wasn't sure about.  Thanks also for the affirmation that I can fell free to post about whatever I want without apology.  You are very, very spot on and insightful.  I never, ever felt free to exercise my voice, especially without apology.   

I'm so sorry for all that you and towrite and others here have endured from these creatures!

i just want to let you know that you can feel FREE to talk about WHATEVER you want on this list, WITHOUT APOLOGY.  The more you discuss and hear people's views, the faster you will heal from all of it.


I am very sorry to hear that you have been (and still are) entangled with so many Ns.  They can suck the life right out of you.  I am very glad your association with K is over, and am sending you strength and prayers regarding your H.


(I love your definition of normal:  INDIVIDUALITY and FUN)
- Life is a journey not a destination