It's funny that he really isn't that intelligent, but has the instincts of a tiger. he knows when to punce and when to lay back. Logically when I look at it, I know that he was fortunate to have me, but when I'm around him for anytime it goes back to where he is in control. I haven't spoken to him since last Wed. and haven't seen him in three weeks.
right now he is trying to say I owe money to him for helping pay his aunts bills and I didn't handle it right. I showed him the receipts and he seems to change what he wants each time I prove my point. He has told me he won't see me until I straighten this out (in other words give him $$).He is just waiting for her to die so he can inheirit, which I helped instrument the will on his behalf. I know that I was played and should be extremely angry, but still miss him.....what is that all about. I must be screwed up because a normal person wouldn't take this for one minute. I quit my job because he threatened to call my supervisor, which was entirely stupid because I have all my evidence, but he knew my reputation was important to me.
In the four years I have known him, he has worked about two months, he works in the film industry and receives residuals, but I seriously doubt it was enough to support him this long. I have given him $$ of my own, but no longer can do that so we're on to his aunt's $$. he tried to talk me out of leaving my son (who is a senior) in the private school he has been in since kindergarten. The one good thing I have done is keep him and my son separated, they have only met 3-4 times in four years. My son does not like him just because of the pain he has seen me go through. I am so sorry these are so long, but just need to get it clear in my own mind.