Cate, I had to realize that my mother isn't going to change (she's in her 70's). I can't "fix" her. She angers & hurts me still - but I'm learning ways to defend my self - and not expect that she gets "well". My constant expectation that she could be different is what was causing me pain - my resistance to accepting that she CAN'T be different. When I gave up resisting the acceptance - I got free-er of a whole load of crap.
Don't know if that helps; I know the path to the light is a bit different for everyone, even with the common experiences we've had.
How did you learn to defend yourself?
You know what causes me pain? My own damn self and "magical thinking" i had this scene all planned out in my head when my daughter was born. I would call, she'd pick up, i'd announce her would be estatic and happy for me, she'd rush over with a pot of soup just to hold my baby, she'd tell me what a wonderful mother i turned out to be, then she'd go downstairs to do a few loads of laundry and watch my other children, she'd reminice with me about what i looked like as a baby, how happy she was when i was born, we'd hug and kiss
OK NONE of what i just described happened. My mother ignored me my entire PG (too busy, busy, busy doing her own crap to even return a phonecall). Completely oblivious to the birth announcement. Critical about the state of my house - never offering to help. Flying in on her broomstick just long enough to swoop down and take swipes at my fragile post-partem ego and then once she had me in tears, tell me how i was "too sensitive" and zooom away. Always on guard. Always mean, nasty or just indifferent. Cold. Exasperated that i was cutting in to her precious time.
So how do you just CUT OFF emotionally? How do you crush hope that one day they will change? Hope is what is killing me.