I LUV THIS BOARD!! It's amazing how much alike many of our situations are. I will definitely get that book about "Highly Sensitive People". Definitely sounds like me. In fact, I've been accused of being "sensitive" by my family forever, usually when I would balk at their hurtful behavior. Here's a perfect example. A few years back, I was in a job where I had the opportunity to travel a bit. One year, I knew I would have work responsibilities that would take me to Hawaii for a week. For Christmas that year, I told my parents, brother and sister-in-law that as a Christmas present, I would be taking them with me for a week. I booked the trip, carefully planned the itinerary with a travel agent, reserved a very nice condo on the beach at Maui. I was to leave a week before everyone else for work and they would follow a week later. Well, two days before I was to leave, I received the tickets from the travel agent and I discovered the itinerary was wrong. I had arranged for them to stop over on the Big Island so they would have a chance to see Pearl Harbor before flying home. Well, apparently, my NPD mom didn't like that idea. Instead of talking to me about it, she went behind my back and convinced the travel agent to change the itinerary. I was livid! When I confronted them, my dad just said "Oh, don't be like that. It'll be fine." Just me being "sensitive" again. Needless to say, my trip was ruined.
When one of you posted about how they never value you but set you up to try and prove you have value only to ignore you, well you hit it right on the button. Exactly! It is so hard to be ignored and rejected constantly.
I find myself getting more angry and resentful, even at my "healthy" brother who seems to have gotten everything he wanted. He has a great marriage, a child who adores him, a nice home, a great job (which he got thanks to a former colleague). He's never had to struggle for anything. He's always got those things that are most important to him. On the other hand, I can honestly say no matter how hard I struggle, how hard I work, nothing ever works out. I never get a break. I know this must sound terrible but sometimes it is just so hard to take. I look around me and people seem to be happy, have loving relationships, good jobs and aren't in the kind of pain and rejection cycle I am.
I'm wondering if this has been a pattern for any of you? Do you think there's a connection between our NPD parents behavior toward us, our so-called "sensitivity" and depression, and lack of positive things in our lives?
For me, at least at this point in the process, what is most difficult is knowing I am entirely alone. There is not a single person who cares what I want, believe, think or feel. In my family, everyone seems to go on with their lives with the attitude "to hell with her". That is just so hurtful. I find it nearly impossible to tolerate a lack of empathy and willingness to compromise in people. I feel like I've compromised for everyone and it is never reciprocated. I'm still left alone.
Oh well, sorry. It's one of those days for me. I didn't sleep at all last night. This just eats at me. Like one poster said, the hope is gone. I will never receive the attention, love and interest I so desperately needed from my family. And if you can't receive it from your own family, then there's really no hope.
Thanks for listening...