Bones, thank you!
When you mentioned the slapstick portrayal, I realized... that's how my dad's handled her nonsense throughout my life, for the most part.
By refusing to hold her accountable, and instead of choosing to shmooze up to her cold-shoulder or brush off her critical spirit with a joke,
he set the trend for me to think that I should just be able to overcome her impact by laughing it off.
To this day, he's constantly telling me to <Smile>... even writes that on the back of their envelopes to us... as though that will fix everything.
Well, I DO smile... alot! But not in his way... because to me, his way is a phony denial, a cover-up of stuff with which he refuses to deal as a responsible adult.
I've watched him take his own frustrations out on service-people - waitresses, clerks - in this overpowering, bombastic style.
If they laugh along with him, he glows. If they don't find him amusing... ooo, look out. He immediately places them into the "just like mother" box.
There is no sensibility... no happy-medium... no appreciation for some situations that simply cannot be healed by humor.
Sorry, but some things just really are not funny, especially when the joker takes offense at those who won't get pulled along into his comedy routine.
Thanks, Bones... it's good for me, I think, to see the entire picture at once, consistently, instead of falling into the old habit of alternating perspectives.
The two of them really do have a well-practiced synco-pathy... my invented word for two pathologies which appear to operate in sync with each other. heh.
Oh, your dad and my mother most definitely are on the same wave-length. I can completely relate to your description of the Thai restaurant experience. With as shallow a relationship as having such an establishment nearby, N is instantly transformed into a combination expert/proprietor... so deeply invested! It's as though any small thing or experience which provides N with some measure of enjoyment must be utterly owned and consumed by them. So odd.
Like my mother and "her" Braves team. I've actually heard her say (and more seriously, than in jest) - "They need me!" ... when it comes time for one of their games to be broadcast.
I have never been permitted to know or contribute anything regarding any thing of interest to my mother; and, of course, she's not interested in anything of which she can claim no prior knowledge/experience, so... I've remained silent.
What's really creepy to me at this stage, is that I can see she would like to possess/consume my children, if she could. Not gonna happen.
Everything with which she has any involvement whatsoever is = "my" with her... it's never "the" or "our" with reference to anything.
Ahh... so many stories float by my consciousness... like wisps in the wind. Recently, I mentioned to her something about traveling to a certain location, where the kids would enjoy this aspect, and my husband that... just thinking aloud about the various opportunities available in this place for each of us. She replied, in a very derogatory manner, with a snide, denigrating tone, something like... "well, to keep everybody
happy"... as though that were the absolutely most repulsive concept in the world to her. Imagine that - actually making deliberate choices to consider each person involved, to benefit everyone, for the sake of pure enjoyment. How low, how weak, how common of me... but then, I guess she thinks, "that's how you little people operate."
Well, I've managed to banish her from my kitchen the past few years... that's progress.
Hugs, Iphi
P.S. on edit... reading back over this, I realize... wow, look at all the anything, everything, all, never statements... that's just how I think about npd... it's so absolute, so unshakeable, so... final