Oh forsooph, sweet Hope, thou are neither riff
nor raff nor venom-dipped macaroni salad...
Yuck. My Shakespeare fell out, save to say
your Macbeth-momma is a thug. An emotional thug.
Iggghh. Ick, I am not feeling charitable.
I can imagine how everyone, so well behaved and
schooled in courtesy, felt the spirit and zest for life
drain out of their sandals and they shuffled after her.
It is SO impressive that you don't play any more.
Ick, shudder, oooggghh, and grrrrrrr.
I'm glad you're so out of her orbit.
Thank you, Hops : ) Not sure I get the venom macaroni part, but that's okay

I love it anyhow!
I've been trying to think of her as a "difficult person", but emotional thug just has that extra oomph... it fits. Several husbands ago

I had a mother-in-law akin to Roseanne Barr, only even more crude. My mother was awful to her... wouldn't agree to pay for her family to attend the small reception we had, so they didn't come. X-mil said that my mother had no etiquette... and the irony of it all is that's been a joke between mother and me since 1980...

but no, the real irony is - she was right. My mother really
is the rudest of the crude, in her own snobby way. She had me so well hornswoggled, I didn't even see it.
I did something ridiculous when we were visiting their home last month.
We were all at her dining room table and she began this "Lady of the manor" routine she does about something
she likes.
It's hard to describe, but she puts on this plastic-mask-bizarre-grinning-expression and speaks as though this thing is just the greatest in the universe... and beyond that, as though God made it just for her, because she is sooooo speshhhhhul (good grief, I don't even remember what it was this time... some sort of food, I think). How she conveys all this and more in one simple sentence is beyond me, but there it is - this thing, okay, say it's brussels sprouts -
is so so so wonderful that anyone who doesn't appreciate it would have to be beneath slime - a pathetic, moronic, unworthy creature unworthy of notice.
And what do I do, sitting demurely, unsmiling, in my seat next to her at the table?
I say, quietly, "Oh... I don't like it."
She whips her head around to me and says, plastic grin still intact, " I do."
I reply, calmly, "I don't."
And so this continued,
5-6 times... and of course, I knew who would get the last word. She always wins. She's always right. You will never hear her say anything remotely resembling, "to each his own", with anything less than utter disdain.
It was so dumb, but I didn't want to stop until I saw the mask crack. It never did.
I am just so tired of her setting the standard for everything.... so, ditto to your Iggghh, Ick, shudder, oooggghh, and grrrrrrr !!!
P.S. She's a fan of the Atlanta Braves baseball team and refers to them as "My Braves". You'd have to hear her say it, but honestly... it sounds incestuous.
And another thing... just read her letter from this week. Apparently a couple of people stopped by to visit... no doubt to see my dad, since normally, she can't be bothered with company. Anyhow, she writes to me: "I was very proud to show them the National Honor Roll 2006/2007 book I ordered with ( my daughter S's) name at the bottom of the cover." She must have paid $50.00 for the silly book... which is really a scam to rake in money from folks such as her... all for show and tell, to puff herself up. I'd suggested to S that she insert her grandparents' name and address in the blank on the form for this organization, so they'd receive written notification of her placement. Never occurred to me that she'd actually purchase the book... sheesh. One of the people to whom she showed it was my Godmother... a woman who's known her forever... same woman who suggested to her 5 years ago, when I nearly died of a ruptured appendix, that just maybe it might be appropriate for her to call and see whether I needed help.... ugh. (((())))