Oh Caroline - if there's one thing I've learnt (and not very well!) it's that if you feel you're going crazy you most definitely aren't. You've just hit on an unpalatable truth that your mother has done something crazy instead!!! If you think she's jealous, she is - in some convoluted way probably yet to reveal itself!!!
Are you sure you're not my younger sister - your mother sounds just like mine. Don't get too attached to the earrings tho - if she's like mine, she'll be asking for them back one day when you least expect it. "Well, you never really wanted them, did you dear."
She gave me nothing of my father's to keep when he died, then she took back jewellery she'd given me as a gift - which was at least a link to him. I understand her need to keep things close to her. But she even lopped down a tree as I said I wanted a cutting of it in remembrance! She has no conscious awareness, I know. That's what makes it so hard. If she'd only have a stand up fight, I could at least feel sane!!!
I'm just revving up for a great big aaaagh as something said here has reminded me and sparked off a rage of such proportion! The pink pussycat has just turned into the Incredible Hulk!! Hurt
me? Well, OK I'm used to it. Try to hurt my son and I'll get in the way and stop you. But she did something mean to my H. My H has no contact with her so perhaps this was a subsconscious bit of revenge. She sent my son an Easter card - signed from his
one and only grandma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I suppose it is true as his other grandmother is dead. Neither my son nor I ever had a chance to meet her. And that makes it all the worse. How truly typical of an N!!! If I ever doubted it, mother, you have finally proved it in

I was going to hide it from my H then realised he'd already seen it. He knows her well and found it amusingly typical, was not affected. Well, he must have been a bit cos otherwise he wouldn't have bothered to comment or had to smile. Really painful. I'm ashamed of her.
Buttons well and truly twitched!