Ami, your story is so familiar. I pushed down my real self so far and beginning at such an early age that it took many years of therapy to peel back the layers and get bac in touch with my inner child. Actually, I'm not so sure I was ever in touch with it - after all, I was alone with my NM and father for 4 years, except for my grandfather. I attribute my survival to him and my grandmother b/c they didn't censor or criticize or repress.
I went to a party with my NM last night - the first time of being with her since the whole rotten mtn. visit. It is strange how I can see her differently since that week - I feel no obligation to her, no pressure to be something she wants, and I watched her interactions at the party (she rarely talks to me at one of these things). She talked at length with my 1st cousin (which happens frequently at a shindig), my cousin being a nice but shallow woman with money whose favorite topics are small talk, some gossip, and not much else. I just watched and noticed - thinking that I am not a fence-sitter, but a strong personality, and that trait is not well liked by many people. (Is that just my hometown or is that universally true?) Anyway, NM's line "If you do anything to embarrass me, I will write you out of my will" kept running thru my head. I think that unknown agenda of hers, the SBD rules which remain vague and under her control were part of what controlled and suppressed my real self growing up. Nothing like having a M who has rules she never cares to share with you til you make a mistake. Kind of like an assassin ... quiet, sneaky, and ready to attack.