Hi, Finding Peace,
I just want you to know that I was not carefully ignoring anything you said. The simple fact is, I didn't feel that it was any of my business to comment on other peoples' posts, attitudes, assumptions, etc. Personally, I get the feeling that engaging in disputes like that is to take a tiger by the tail... and there are enough tigers in my world. In general, it's important to me to allow other people to settle their own scores and to choose my own battles wisely. To insert myself into other peoples' affairs - in the face-to-face world and here on the internet - would be inappropriate, patronizing, and... well... just plain bossy, imo.
That said, there's something I see happening here which I would like to address, because I believe it's the repetition of an old pattern, and I'd just like to offer you my 2 cents on it.
I think your situation... your raw feelings... are at risk of being capitalized upon by some here who would like to set up a false dichotomy within this group. I've been watching it for some time here and it goes something like this: "we're the genuine people who are deep feelers and they're the shallow bunch, the baddies, who lie to themselves and are determined to prevent you from healing."
I don't know why it seems so important to some people to make others out to be the bad guys, but I can only guess that they don't know any other way than to be fighting against someone, somewhere, at all times.
The truth is that nobody here has the power to prevent you from healing, Peace, and I do not believe for an instant that the people who've had an opportunity to get to know you a bit here have anything but your very best interests at heart. I hope and pray that you will not be caught up in someone else's battle through this. There is so much free floating shame in this place that it'd be easy to transfer it to those who do not respond as we think they should, or to those who don't respond at all. But I believe that the healthiest place to deposit that shame is squarely back in the laps of the people who so wounded you, me, and the rest of us here in the first place. They're not here. We're not them. That's all I wanted to say.
Much love to you,