I clearly see the hypocrisy in what I wrote. Here I am criticizing others for what and who they post to and demanding that they post to others. I by no means have responded to everyone’s post here, and for me to demand that in return is simply ludicrous. I am sorry.
I fully realize that there are many here who are hurt and are at different levels of dealing with the traumas they have suffered. I was wrong to point to the swiping, bullying, and cruelty I have seen (very rarely) here.
Before this weekend, when I saw this, I would remind myself that when this occurs, it says more about the person who posted it than whatever the content of the post. And usually, what it says to me is that they are hurting. (Just as what I posted said more about me than anything else.) I just took a big swipe at the people on this board – and not one of you deserve it. That mirror is a lot hard to look in sometimes isn’t it?
I got a lot caught up in myself for a bit, and am very sorry.

I posted my story with the intention of helping others. I did not realize that after doing this, I would be so hugely triggered. Part of the pathology of being abused, at least for me, is feeling that I am ignored, feeling like I am negated, deemed less than, and an overwhelming feeling that I don’t belong. I lived with this all of my life. It is hard to put into words – but because of what was done to me, I have always felt separate with no hope of ever joining in.
When few responded to my story or the stories of other people – I felt all of those old feelings come crashing back. This was compounded by lack of sleep this weekend. After posting, the nightmares came crashing back. I have also been struggling with panic attacks, I actually felt an internal child screaming, screaming, screaming: “You told, you told, you told, he is going to kill you now.” Shocked me a bit – I mean, he has been dead for 2 years.

how can he kill me now? I don’t have much patience with this part of myself – but it is what it is I suppose. I guess I locked away another part of myself and that part woke up with a vengeance after “I told.”
I can’t thank you all enough for the support and kindness you have shown me in the midst of my craziness this weekend – you have shown me more support in the past 24 hours than I ever got as a child – and you know the really unbelievable part (and very new to me and one of the truly beautiful things about this board) there are no strings attached are there? Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for posting and helping me through this mess.
I am very, very sorry if I hurt anyone or caused distress in any way.
Now I am really taking a break for a bit.
Much Closer to Finding Peace Again Today
P.S. I ask for total honesty in the following – I lived it, so sometimes it is hard for me to understand that it is too hard to hear/read. Do you think it helpful for me to keep my story there for others, or should I remove it? Is it too much? The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone else. (((((treartracks – thank you so much for reaching out and I may be reading too far between the lines, but I am so sorry if what I posted hurt you in any way.))))
(((Authentic – you too - one of my great worries when I posted is that I might trigger you – I am so sorry if I did – I know the pain of what you went through – so please let me know if you think it better that I delete that post.))))