I asked my son. He said he dates several girls. One of them, according to him, is a dumb a*s. He said he still dates her because she is gorgeous. Anotherone, he dates, he says, she is disoriented, but he still dates her because he has a lot of fun to be with. He also says, that he loves them in different ways and that he would help them if it was needed and he would never do anything to hurt them. He said, that two consenting adults can have fun. He said that I can have fun with this guy, this is the fifth date, including two months of dancing together and flirting in dance class. I am not trying to make excuses for my probably self damaging behavior, but, I want to know your opinion. It seems that I do not want to listen. I just wanted to check if my son is right, that I can have fun after so many years of depression and loneliness. I can have fun and no matter if he stays or he goes, taking in to account that I have to prevent my self from falling in love or have especttations or construct a fantasy, or believe something inexistent.
Can I have fun with detachmetn? Am I wasting my time? Should I instead use my energy to pursue other things? There are other guys in dance class who would be glad to go out with me. But I do not like them as much. I do not have to go out with guys. I can just go dancing with my classmates and have fun, but I am a human being.
Dont know what to do. As usual, do not know what to do. It has been my problem forever.