Author Topic: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart  (Read 2596 times)


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Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« on: September 10, 2007, 10:49:03 AM »
I do feel a little better today, despite the title.  A little better, but I have that washed out, heavy feeling that seems to come with an episode of depression.  And I was just thinking about stopping my therapy sessions too.  So here's the sordid details.

Things have been going pretty well.  I've got a reward system going with my son, although this past week didn't work out so well with that.  So, we'll have to work at it a little harder this week.  We haven't had too many matches of wits.  The reward system has been working well.  I've relied on rewards, rather than punishments as motivation.  But M started getting sick this week, and so he's been uncooperative and unmotivated.  Today he had to miss school.  Because of his attitude, it's been added stress for me.

On top of that, I was having a garage sale this past weekend to make a little extra cash and get rid of some stuff.  I had been gathering things for a couple of weeks, and was trying to get that organized.  I was borrowing my mom's folding tables, and I thought everything was going to work out fine.  Only, my mom decided she was going to come "help" me out.  I was dreading her being there more than anything.  I even considered curtailing some of the stuff I'd picked out to sell.  Instead, I priced and got it all ready to go, and I didn't react when my mom showed up with more of M's baby toys to sell and started crying because they needed to go.

Friday night, I had a melt down and started crying because I was trying to get the garage sale stuff together, letting M watch TV while I worked, and then later on, I had to try to get him to pick his toys up, and he wouldn't do it.  I was also trying to clean things up, make brownies, put away all the things I didn't want my mom to see, etc.  I don't like having her in my house.  It creates major stress for me.  I started crying.  M wanted to know why I was crying, and I said he wouldn't understand.  He told me I should talk about it, that his friend N told him why she was upset and she felt better.  I said it was an adult problem and he didn't need to worry about it.  He persisted, so I just told him that I was upset about grandma coming and the house being a mess.  With the perfect wisdom of a 10 year old he said, "Well it's your apartment, who cares what Grandma thinks."  Hard to argue with that.

I got through the garage sale without killing my mom, without too many critical comments, but by the time everything was packed back up, I was exhausted.  I just wanted her to leave so I could relax.  M was playing in the living room so I took a nap, and I felt a little better when I woke up, although in the middle of my nap M started making a lot of noise and the phone started ringing.  My mom, of course, to tell me she's had to sit in traffic for a long time.

Saturday evening went all right.  Most of yesterday went all right.  In fact, we didn't have any battles at all, until last night.  When it was time to do homework.  We even got the room cleaned up with minimal fuss.  When I opened M's folder to get out his work, I discovered he'd forgotten about several pages of work.  He fell apart, started crying and saying he wished he was dead, wished he'd never been born, etc.  He said he was never going to get it done.  I kept trying to encourage him to just get started, and then there wouldn't be so much, but all he could see was all the work.  I told him to calm down and just look at it.  I was sure he could get the work done if he'd just stop thinking of it as a mountain he couldn't climb.  He started calming down, and I took the dog out to calm myself down because I was starting to feel very panicked, short of breath, and I was trying very, very hard not to yell.

When I came back, he was hiding under the bed.  I told him the work wouldn't get done if he was hiding under the bed.  He said he was going to get in trouble for not doing the work at all.  I explained that his teacher gave grades for effort, and as long as he tried, he would get a grade.  He started worrying about his report card and looking at things as a mountain he couldn't climb again.  I finally told him if he would just start on the work, I would call his teacher and talk to her.  That got him motivated enough to get started on it.  I talked to the teacher, explained the situation, she gave him a reduction in homework and said I could call her anytime about homework.  M only had to choose two of the four sheets to do.  He chose the easiest ones, got most of the work done and asked for a short break.  I had gone back to doing some house stuff while he was working, trying to calm down, because although I was managing to seem calm, I was anything but inside.  I fixed supper, hung up some new decorations on our patio, for Halloween.  Took the dog out to cut his nails, clipped on of them too short, so the dog was in pain, and that made me feel worse.  I overcooked dinner.  My the time I took it out of the oven I didn't feel like eating and made myself a dinner of a carrot, a green pepper and three chesse sticks.  While I was eating my vegetables and dipping them in a new dressing I'd gotten, I realized this was the way I used to eat when I was upset.  I didn't feel like eating so I just wouldn't.  That scared me, because I don't want to go through that again.

The kitchen was a mess, but M had his homework done.  I took the dog for another walk, but I was still feeling really low.  I emailed my friend and told her that I felt like a bad parent because M had had this massive meltdown, and I didn't think I'd handled it well, especially when I told M if he didn't care about his work I couldn't either.  I told her there were times I just didn't like my child very much, and I just wanted to be left alone.  I really wanted a hug, but there was no one around.  I wanted someone to tell me I'd handled the situation well.  I took a shower and sat on the floor crying, half wishing I could find the guts to hurt myself or at the very least have someone hurt me.  Then I was scared because I was having those thoughts.  I started trying to rehearse the new tape I'd learned with my counselor, but I didn't quite believe that I was doing my best with what I had.  I felt guilty because M was watching TV again, and I didn't think he should really be watching TV.  I felt like a horrible mother because a. I'd let him have this massive breakdown. b.  He was sick, and I made him work anyway, even though I didn't think he'd got to school today.  C.  I was worried that I was scarring him for life by making him take responsibility.  D.  I couldn't help thinking that he's going to end up be twenty-something and still camped out on my couch. 

Worst of all, I just felt so alone.  I couldn't call my parents, because i could hear my mom's voice saying, "Well, now you know what I"ve been putting up with.  It's not as easy as you thought is it?"

I didn't want to call my brother either, because he tells me things, but then my SIL says something different, and I don't know how sincere he is.

My father is no help.

I havent' figured out how to have enough time to have a social life and do everything else, so I haven't made any new friends.  I was feeling really, really down.  I finally called my friend who lives in another state and talked to her.  That helped enough that I wasn't crying and felt a little better.

I still feel shaky today, and I think M and I are going to sit down and talk tonight.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt

cats paw

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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 12:23:49 PM »
Hi Tayana,

   Just wanted to send some peaceful cybervibes your way, wishing for you same space to just sit and breathe for a minute that you
conveyed to M when he was hiding under the bed.

cats paw


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2007, 12:46:10 PM »
Dear Tayana,
 I missed you Sister( we are "sisters' in that we had the same mother-lol).
 Tayana, I came across a HUGE revelation. I hope that it will help you,now.
 I see that what my M did to me was to destroy me   in a specific way. I can hear in your story that this might have happened to you.
  We have a feeling layer that is pre- verbal. We just "feel". It is not good or bad. This is the "inner child. We have a thinking level. It analyzes  figures out things  etc. This is the "Adult. What happened to me was that my M waged  war on my feeling level. She CONVINCED me that I was a TERRIBLE , HORRIBLE, BAD person b/c I had feelings . So, when I have ANY feeling,now,  the " I am bad " tape kicks in . I can feel angry, fearful, joyful ,afraid and most other feelings and the "Youoooo are a horrible person" tape kicks in. What happens is that  we take on their "abandoned child" part and put it in to our "thinking part".
  That might not make sense,but what we do is take all their  decimating messages and put it into our "adult ' part, so we treat ourselves the way that they treated us.
   The book"Healing your Aloneness " explains it better.
   However, I see that you acted fine with M. You acted like a normal M. You were tired, lonely and overwhelmed. However, your tapes in your head say that you can't be any of these things or you are "bad". Then ,you feel like an UTTER failure. You feel like you should hurt yourself b/c you are SOOOOO bad.
   We have our mother's voice inside us--killing us. In reality-- you did great, Tayana. However, according to that voice, you are an utter failure b/c you were angry and discouraged. That is not allowed. Only perfect and nice  feelings are allowed.
  I see it that way from where I am. I hope that it resonates with you .. Raising a child as a single parent is so,so ,so hard, Tayana
    I will keep you in my prayers. No one deserves a M like yours-- no one. She is a curse on two feet                    Love to You  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2007, 01:16:40 PM »

SO glad to hear from you!
And imo, you actually did a BRILLIANT job with a very stressful situation.

Hon, you had a 10 y/o autistic child having a panic attack, and what did you do?
You kept talking to him.
You kept up the encouragement and took a practical step (calling the teacher).
You took yourself out--twice!--with the dog to deal with your own mounting stress.
You returned to the situation.
You didn't freak out that the apt. got messy.
You let him watch TV so you could have a necessary emotional break.
You called a friend to find support.
You observed to yourself that you need a network of local friends.

If there's something you did wrong in all this I have no flippin' idea what it is.

I'm sorry you were in pain but after such a long extended amount of time with your mother, I'd have been in the shower with you. Move over!

LOTS of love to you.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2007, 02:14:41 PM »
Thank you for the hugs and well wishes.

Ami, you are right.  I think I have been "destroyed" in a sense that I never really got to have a sense of self.  I always had to do things my mother's way, and they always had to be perfect.  It's really, really hard for me to forgive flaws and not be hard on myself when things aren't perfect.  I still don't feel real stable today.  It'll take a few days to get that back.

Hops, thank you, thank you, thank you.  I needed to hear that.  I SO needed to hear that.  I don't know what else to say.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2007, 03:54:06 PM »
I have consider no contact with my entire family several times.  I actually do much better when contact is limited to a few phone calls.  I have been working on boundaries.  I was doing fairly well until the past couple of weeks where there was a family get together, a long weekend, and then last weekend my garage sale.  This week, once my son gets over his cold, I'm hoping things go back to being more normal.

It is a domino effect.  I have to play pretend around my mom, and I don't really like that.  If anyone else came to my home, I wouldn't care what they saw, but I"m always afraid of the criticism my mom throws in my direction.  She doesn't do that as badly to my brother, just to me.

My brother's advice, while it's effective, isn't that easy.  He says I just need to let it go and ignore what she says.  My counselor says that I need to stop letting her affect me so much much. 

Here are some of the things I"ve stopped doing:

Discussing M's problems, arguments, homework, etc.  I don't tell my parents how well or how badly we are getting along.  Until last night, we really hadn't had any arguments for almost three weeks.  Not bad huh?  There had been the usual brief moments of, "Be quiet, I'm on the phone."   "Clean your room."  But mostly, we hadn't argued at all, not like before when we first moved.

Telling my mom about dealings with school.  I have an IEP meeting tomorrow.  M has a very mild form of Asperger's, a type of autism.  He functions fairly normally, but sometimes he needs some extra help.  I haven't told my mom about the meeting.

Taking vacation days without saying anything to anyone.  I like to have the time to myself, and I don't want any uninvited visits.  I'm hoping M feels better tomorrow so he can go to school, then I'll have most of the day to myself.

Not picking up the phone to call my parents for advice, information or other reasons.  There are nights I don't talk to them at all.  I literally get sick when I have to talk to them, so I don't intiate anything.  My mother says this is bad, but I need things this way.

Giving myself permission to do things my way.  It's been a big thing.  The last day I took off, about a month ago, I went to Target and bought some things for myself, things my mother wouldn't approve of.  I bought a pretty tablecloth, some plant stands, and some other items for my new home to make it look nice.  I rearranged my living room the way I'd wanted it.  I bought a bookcase for my bedroom to put my craft books, my collection of gay/lesbian literature, and my antique books on.  It serves as my night stand, and I really like it.  I cook the way I want to cook.  I don't worry about that little voice that says I'm doing it wrong.

Giving myself permission to not be perfect.  I don't succeed with it all the time.  THere are still some boxes and piles of things in my new home.  THere's places that aren't really organized yet.  I don't have many pictures up, but I"m working on it.  I have to give myself permission that it's okay that there's a pile of things on the table, or that the paper is still in the floor because I haven't had a chance to look at it, or that I didn't get to the vacuuming yesterday.  There was a time when those things would have caused massive panic and anxiety.  I can live with that now.

Creating a "new tape."  I sat in the shower last night and rehearsed my new tape, that I don't have to be perfect, that I'm being the best parent I can be with the resources I have.  That I didn't do the things I really wanted to do, that I handled a bad situation fairly well, even though I could hear my mother's voice telling me I was wrong.  I try really hard to listen to this tape, and not the old one. 

I'm really working on it, and everytime I have a success, I feel so good about myself.  We didn't have a good week last week, but this one can be better.  I just have to find more time for myself somehow, find time to make some friends and a new family.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2007, 04:42:59 PM »

It is so wonderful to hear from you , you have been missed! Sorry this is one of those crunch times- but you have juggled everything like a champ! Anyone with a smidgen of objectivity would be amazed at how well you have prioritized the many competing things you must do in your busy life, and then how well you have accomplished them all.  I hope that you get some good 3D friends who you can have fun with and talk to- it's hard to get objective feedback from NM and your child ( adorable as he is ) !
You deserve a nice rest and a pat on the back- here's one from me Tayana!
Please don't be so hard on yourself- you are such a success! You have come so far, swimming against the tide! Now you have created your own life, and are mastering it all.Tell that nasty little critical NM voice inside to hush up- Tayana is in charge now!!! It almost seems that NM cannot be involved (even by lending you tables) without trying to take over and undermine you in some way. NM needs to look at her own demons that she is so frantically avoiding, and let you enjoy the fruits of your labors- a real home, a sweet son, the pride of being a good and involved parent (not a Spider-type parent who likes to keep her grown children stuck in her nasty web, and then tries to eat her young).
I hope next week is less stressful, but in any case I know that you will handle everything in a capable and loving way.




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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 07:53:53 PM »

All I can say is..... everyone has moments like those: /

We all go through crisis when raising children.  It comes with the territory.

We can't save them from having powerful and overwhelming feelings, tay.

All we can do....

is show them how we.....

deal with them.

That includes when we lose it and scream, drop the ball or otherwise fall short of perfection.

Then we show them how to recoup from that. 

Forgiving yourself teaches M how to forgive himself.

I wish you could mail someone here when you're feeling like that. 

I think people here offer as much support and comfort, maybe more, than my 3D folks do. 

Another thing.....

I know it's hard to give yourself a break,

what with all the bon bon eating you've been up to.

Lord knows you haven't been working hard, dealing with new emotional drama and growing into a self reliant capable young single mother..... getting promoted, resisting and overcoming your FOO dysfunction and overwhelming sabotage, figuring out how to problem solve child care issues, train your dog to new surroundings, set up and keep house while dealing with an a typical child who loves you and knows you're going to take very good care of him.... because you do. 

I guess you think you should be some kind of superhero? 

You're amazing and you should know that you really sort of are.... a superhero.

Are you still finding any time for creative outlets at all?

I hope so and please... know.... everyone struggles while parenting.

Steady, calm mama needs to come back out and explain..... do better.... teach.

That's what it's all about. 

Trying to be consistent and showing them how to get past it if we can't.



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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2007, 01:15:47 AM »

I think you are doing a great job!  Honestly!

All of this is new, in a way, for independantly......parenting independantly......trying to build boundaries......

........all stuff you haven't done or haven't done for awhile, at least?

None of it is easy and you are taking small steps in the right direction.  Soon you won't give a fig what your mother thinks or says!!

Keep going!

Also.........meltdown?  So what?  We all have meltdowns.  Nobody died.  And tension was released.  Please don't beat yourself up for being human (and your little boy is just as human too eh?  You handled the whole thing very well, if you ask me).

sending a big, huge, large (((((((((((((((((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))))))))))))))

(sorry it's a bit late probably).

You did a wonderful job of catching yourself falling into old habits and thinking stuff that doesn't help.  Good going!  You're not going to go there again!  You are an aware and a very sensitive person and you reached out ........all beautiful.

As time passes, your routine will get easier.  Give yourself time.



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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2007, 12:58:50 PM »
Things are better now.  I sent M off to school today against my Mom's wishes.  I went to meeting to develop his IEP without telling her, because I didn't want comments, and I most certainly didn't want her to show up to "help."

We got through the evening last night, although M told my mom that he cries all the time at school, but his teacher said he doesn't.  She said he gets frustrated sometimes.  So I'm not sure what's going on there, if he's making comments about a specific day and my mom is interpreting it totally wrong or she's just making things up.

He wasn't thrilled about going to school, and he would have really liked to stay home, but he went to school.

Lighter, I don't feel much like a superhero.  most of the time I feel like I've been run over by a stream train.  I don't consider what I'm doing heroic, or really even noteworthy.

Sela,  Thanks so much for your comments.  I try to take things one day, one step at a time.  Sometimes it helps.  Sometimes it doesn't.  I'm getting there.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2007, 01:55:27 PM »
Well.... soldiering through what you do, every day, feeling like you've been hit by a steam train, is pretty heroic, IMO. 


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2007, 03:37:51 PM »
LIghter, I showed my counselor part of what you'd posted and said I didn't feel very heroic, and he told me that I did a lot of heroic things.  I just think of it as doing what has to be done.  :)

Someone asked if I've been doing anything creative.  I have been writing.  I had a bit of a disruption with my writing, but I've gotten it back on track.  I haven't tried to submit anything so far, but I've been writing a lot.  Writing is my real therapy.  The stories I've been writing are about me, really, even though the characters bear no resemblance to me at all.

I haven't gotten my other crafting back on track yet.  I need to get started on Christmas gifts.  I'm going to try to make something for everyone this year instead of buying things.  I have plenty of beads, yarn and other things that I should be able to do it, except I'm going to buy M a telescope.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2007, 01:04:10 PM »
Did I not tell you that my definition of a hero.....

is doing what needs to be done, lol?

Esp when up against heavy odds and under fire?

Being under emotional fire.... well.... you know as much about that as I do.

It's daunting and yet we still 'do what needs to be done."

This board is full of hero's, in my opinion. 

I've had the pleasure of seeing you come to grips with your situation, overcome the financial sabotage your mother perpetrated on you, make a plan and follow through with it, even though your mother continued to apply pressure to make you back down.  Even though your family joined your mother in trying to manipulate you, for their own comfort. 

Along with all the other quite normal stresses of work, finding a place to live, child care and helping your SN child cope and adjust..... well.... it's no small feat to come as far as you have, ((tay))

I remember what you had to go through to get here. 


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2007, 12:01:48 PM »
Well, when put like that . . . it sounds pretty impressive doesn't it?

Sometimes it's hard to see through the quagmire of stuff that's going on and stuff we still have to get through to realize what we've really accomplished.

I still wake up in the morning, absolutely amazed that I am no longer in the place that I was.  I'm amazed that I feel good about going to work, doing chores, etc.  I'm amazed that I have this place, and it's mine, and the rules in the house are mine, and no one can take that away from me. 

I am always amazed when solutions seem to present themselves to obstacles.  Like my son has the opportunity to go to 5th grade camp, but he didn't want to go because he had to stay the night.  When I had the meeting Tuesday to develop his IEP, I was given the option of sending him just durning the day.  Now, he wants to go. 

I feel like a lot of what has happened, has happened on luck, really, not so much working toward goals.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Not Coping Well, Fell Apart
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2007, 01:17:15 PM »
I guess it does feel a bit like luck..... when you're (general) not sure what you're going to do.....

 or what you can stand up against.

Unchartered waters.

While you're living with intense dread just thinking about fighting your way clear of the control and abuse....

there really isn't a neat all knowing plan to execute, is there?

It's coming to grips, over and over again.... and not giving up. 

Every phone call from Mom at work, every time you went home to her after work, one more discussion with M about strangers abducting him and how unsafe the world is...... all the time you spent on your ruined credit (while your mother chose to lie straight into your face and let you swing for it)..... knowing she was fairly crippling your ability to get out into the world and stand on your own..... your father asking you to remain at home with them......

so she could feel better.

Wow.... when the people who're supposed to be guiding and protecting us are eating us for lunch.... and we manage to get off their plate, I guess a lot of luck would have to be involved. 

I'm thinking it's like the luck golfers have, though.

The harder you (general) practice and apply yourself..... apply the hard earned knowledge to understand and overcome..... make mindful choices daily.....

the better your luck gets.


If you hadn't tried

or taken action

or asserted your rights.....

luck wouldn't have helped, IMO.