But there is a season to everything, and you don't have to have everything together right now.
Yes that is so true. I really believe in the process. I have not just heard about NPD. I have been in recovery for 3 years now, and reading about it but lately, a higher level of awareness has kicked in somehow. It's like I now fully see the extent of the abuse whereas before I was only seeing some of it. Also I have been seeing my dark side this time and am shocked at what I see but that is pride isn't it? We want to see ourselves as victims and good girls, well not so much the victim as we become enlightened or heal from personality disorder. I am shocked by the way that i have abandoned my own children and not been there for them emotionally but then I had abandoned myself after a childhood of abandonment. I don't know whether they are ever going to forgive me. It will be certainly harder to forgive myself.
Yes I do think that you do need to be in a safe place to heal and i am living on my own though have contact with my H who is seriously PD'ed. I think that I have reached a place where I can handle him. I learned to do that with my mother by realising that my needs would never be met by her. The same realisation is happening with my husband and i am starting to feel the same pity but in a detached way, but really facing the reality that what I longed for and tried to get from them is not going to happen.
I know that it feels bad to be suspicious, esp. if you have embraced the belief to "count others as more important than yourself".
Actually no, this is a misunderstanding of Christianity and the Bible does not teach this, bit it is easy to see why it would turn someone against the faith if that is the conclusion. Scripture teaches us to be as wise as serpents and therefore to see others in their true light, which in the case of NPD means dangerous. This is not suspicion but reality, and the questions is how to deal with them? I believe that they are only harmful if our sense of self is distorted and if we are not functioning from a basis of love. Of course a child is less likely to have this basis if it has known nothing else. If we do have it then I think that we will not need to be suspicious towards everyone because we will not be vulnerable and open to having this sense of self damaged and the truth veiled and we will be wise. I have found that having my relationship with my maker restored, puts me right into reality and because perfect love casts out fear and the truth sets us free (and scripture says the truth is Jesus Christ)
In the process of my healing, i believe that God only allowed me to see as much as i could cope with at the time but now i can take a step forward. It is causing me terrific pain at the moment, unbearable but I know that it is necessary. Maybe i will have to accept having a personality disorder myself. I know that God will heal it though.
The scripture teaches us to love others AS we love ourselves ourselves which means that we must first love ourselves and this is what the healing is all about i think. Along with loving ourselves is being switched into reality so that we can see how we have been abused and then how we have abused others. I believe that the process is laid out in the 12 steps program.
The next step in the Biblical way of wholeness, once we love this self and take care of it, is to
deny it. To reach this stage requires us to give up all self protection, at least in its very profound levels, and I do not think it either possible or wise to do this if we are still denying the existence of our maker, and not under His protection. We have no choice, we either turn to Him to protect us or we do it ourselves.
I have found that doing it God's way is going to be the only way that i am going to reach wholeness, to the extent that I see the fullness of wholeness possible. There are degrees, but I have had a taste of the fullness and the freedom peace and joy were beyond understanding and life was indeed like rivers of flowing water with the fountain of joy springing up eternally (pictures from scripture about what is attainable in full recovery) I won't be satisfied with anything less and so I must see myself as I really am. And the process can take place quite quickly if we are ready. I feel ready. I want abundant life.