Just want to say I'm sorry I haven't been able to be caught up, or stay caught up, recently.
Hugely busier than usual at work (means it's becoming successful!) and forcing myself to go to bed earlier, etc.
I want to send support and caring to those who are currently feeling a particularly strong need to be heard and responded to right now. I feel badly that I can't put in my two cents with consistency, but I know there's abundance here.
I hate not pitching in on a thread where someone's in pain and I hope silent love and appreciation registers on the "invisible board". Same time...I love how active and vigorous the board is now!!
Love you all and I'm sending compassion and raising a mighty shout of joy at the amazing growth and discovery...
will catch up when I can or more likely, just dip in now and then when time and energy permit.
Ain't going nowhere. Just wanted to send a big group hug.
(And after all that pomposity I'll probably post for an hour today.)
