Hello all:
I wasn't going to post about this since it seems so trivial but I just can't help myself. I've mentioned in other posts I have (in my belief) an NPD mom and sister. My mom spends all her time and attention with my NPD sister (every weekend, holiday, vacation, daily phone calls, etc.). Whenever she and my dad leave to spend time with her, I always get that feeling like the entire Bears team just kicked me in the gut.
Today, it happened again. It was just a little thing. I was looking through the mail and saw a greeting card (by its thickness, I could tell it was one of those Hallmark musical cards). It was from my sister to my parents. She addressed it to "Mimi and Popi" with my parents real names below it. She calls my parents by the names my niece calls them which irks me to begin with. Shortly after my niece's birth, my NPD sister disowned my brother and his entire family because she wasn't selected as godmother. When he sent her a baby picture, she ripped it up in pieces and mailed it back to him. She hasn't seen either my niece or my brother for 11 years since my niece was born. Yet, she speaks in a baby voice to my parents and consistently refers to them by these "grandparent" names.
I know I shouldn't be bothered by these things any more but they also seem to trigger me. I feel sad and lonely and heartbroken. I'm instantly reminded that my parents want nothing to do with me but devote their lives to my NPD sister who has caused my brother and I so much pain. Because I have to live with my parents right now because I'm unemployed, these incidents just seem like they are thrown in my face. I also feel angry that I am the only one in the family who is bothered by my entire family situation. As the "chosen child" NPD, my sister, of course gets everything she wants (the full attention of my parents). Neither my NPD mom or co-dependent dad seem to miss having a relationship with either of their other two children. My brother has his own family and focuses completely on them. So, it's just me who is affected by this.
Does anyone else ever get these triggers? Does the feeling ever go away? I'm just so disgusted with myself. I'm also angry because in my view my NPD sister has "won". She's gotten everything she's wanted and effectively stolen my parents away from me, my brother and my niece (their only grandchild). She's gotten everything and I've gotten nothing.
Just venting. Sorry.